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Ultimate Roofing SEO Plan: Enhancing Your Company’s Reach

When it comes to fixing shingles and asbestos, no one comes close to your expertise in miles. As sweet as that sounds, it won’t bring you visibility and continued relevancy. What will bring those desirables is an ultimate roofing SEO plan! Like the roof you fix, you should rise above your competitors. But how? Let people know about the beautiful work that you do! Fortunately, that is what you’d get with a polished roofing SEO strategy. Don’t have one? Or perhaps you do have a plan that hasn’t yielded the visibility you crave?

Either way, we’ve got you! Check out our practical step-by-step aid for shooting your roofing company to the stars.

Creating An Ultimate Roofing SEO Plan In 5 Simple Steps

Audit Your Current SEO Strategy

As much as you’d like to jump on a new plan, you shouldn’t. Instead, scrutinize your previous SEO outlay. What went wrong? Was the plan so “poor” that there were no positives? How do you make people search for asbestos removal chicago?

In the case that you have an excellent SEO strategy, you can’t rest on your laurels. Search engines evolve every day. You should also follow suit.

Match Users’ Intent With Laser-focus Keywords

Your clients have numerous queries which they pour out on search engines. It could be shingle fix, leaks, or even clear out for winter seasons.

So, to ensure you stay relevant, you need to serve your clients what they crave. The only way you can do that is to invest in keyword research.

Optimize Your Contents

Start writing fresh content for your audience. Now, regarding that, you shouldn’t limit yourself to texts. You can also do videos. Another thing to note is how you create the contents. Are they pure informational or commercial? The way out is to be diverse. How? Create aids that meet varied needs.

Through all, remember to optimize your copies or media contents for the keywords you have researched. However, be careful not to overstuff your offerings.

Now, the most crucial part of content optimization is to create something better than what others are doing. You’re a roofer; your copies should reflect that.

In other words, don’t regurgitate the stale guides on the internet. Instead, serve your audience practical, on-the-job observations in a new light.

Make Your Website Responsive And Appealing

If your page isn’t responsive, your SEO plan will be ineffective. And that is regardless of the quality of or the information in your content.

Now, does that mean you should load your website with interactive tools?

No! A few is enough. Else, the website speed will lag, and such is equally frustrating.

Another thing to consider is mobile-friendly websites. The chances are that your clients won’t sit all day with their laptops. Their smartphones, on the other hand, are ever-present.

For that reason, it is critical that you create easy-to-navigate sites that adapt to different gadgets.

Build Links To Authoritative Websites

The last step involves you making conscious efforts to put your content on other platforms. However, you should be careful.

A backlink to a poorly-ranked website will hurt your roofing SEO strategy. Instead, focus your efforts on authoritative websites in the industry.

Now, you’re ready to gain more leads and rise above your competition. Good luck!

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