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High-Paying Jobs In Singapore: High Paying Part-time Jobs Offered By Workclass

In Singapore, there are tons of high-paying jobs to choose from. Luckily for you, Workclass is going to narrow down some of the best part-time jobs. Many of us are curious on what are the highest-paying jobs in Singapore. Believe it or not, there are part-time jobs that are high-paying due to various reasons. If you are one of the curious folks, then you are in luck. In this article, we are going to talk about some of the high-paying part-time jobs in the market. Knowing this information will help you aim for which of these part-time opportunities will work out for you. Make sure that you stick around to know more about the part-time opportunities in Singapore. Without any further ado, the high-paying part time jobs Singapore.

Warehouse Assistant

One of the high-paying jobs in Singapore is a warehouse assistant. A warehouse assistant is someone who helps lift and organize the warehouse. This job is high-paying because it is physically demanding. Aside from that, there are tons of warehouses in Singapore. The demand is always there. Warehouse assistants are paid from $10 to $13 an hour. However, if you work the night shift, you might be paid more than the rates mentioned above.

Food Packer

Another high-paying job is a food packer. Food packers are people who work in the food industry. They work in the production lines, putting snacks and other foods in a container. It’s not as physically demanding as warehouse packers. However, they need your utmost focus when you are in the line. Food packers are paid from $9.5 to $13 per hour. Some companies offer incentives to their long-time workers.

Freelance Writers

Another high-paying job in Singapore is Freelance writing. One of the big pluses of working as a freelance writer in Singapore is its nature. It’s a remote job that isn’t physically demanding. Depending on your client and your skills, you can earn more than $100 in an article.

Taxi Drivers

Taxi drivers are also one of the high-paying jobs in Singapore. Part-time drivers do not just earn per hour. Sometimes, they also receive incentives for a job well done. Although there are certain requirements like low cancellation records and the high number of trips that you accept.

Grab is one of the companies that offer a part-time taxi driver job in Singapore. Their taxi drivers earn $30 to $38 per hour. One of the requirements that you need in this job is a license. Before you apply for this part-time job, make sure to get your license in Singapore.

Swimming Teacher

Swimming Teachers are also in-demand and high-paying part-time jobs in Singapore. This job is often freelance. However, some centers offer a part-time swimming teacher position. If you opt to work as a freelance swimming teacher, then you have the right to demand a higher fee. However, you also need to factor in the venue in your fee. But if you wish to work as a hired part-timer, then it is better. It is less hassle. You don’t have to worry about the administrative side of the job

Logistic Assistant

If you are a student and are looking for a part-time job, then apply for the position of Logistic assistant. Your job is to do the administrative job in logistics. This is a crucial job because a lot of people in the company will rely on your data in shipping, transportation, and even supply. This position is often on the night shift. You will be paid $18 per hour.

Logistic Manager

A logistics manager is a job that supervises, distributes, and stores the materials in the company. Aside from that, they are also tasked to map routes and manage and analyze budgets and shipments. Depending on the company, you can earn up to $20 to $25 per hour. You will be earning about $2,800. If your education is in line with logistics, then this job is perfect for you. if you can stay even after graduation, there are even higher chances that the company will offer you a full-time position.


A freelance photographer is another high-paying part-time position in Singapore. If you are passionate about this art, then you are in luck. Skilled freelance photographers in Singapore usually earn a minimum of $50 per hour. If you are just starting, then you might want to create a good portfolio and social media presence. This way, you don’t just take photos in small time events but even bigger events for a higher fee.


Knowing the best part-time jobs in Singapore is a big plus. It allows you to narrow down your options on which should you apply. Make sure to check out for more of these high-paying jobs in Singapore.

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