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Top 40 Money Saving Tips For College Students On A Budget

College is always a period where most of us are at our poorest. It is tough juggling studies with part-time work and we are often hit with several last-minute expenses. To efficiently manage our finances, we need to get more gigs and at the same time save money as much as possible. Looking back at our own college days, we realised that students usually overlook many opportunities that can actually help them minimize expenses. To help you avoid the same mistakes, we have put together a comprehensive list of Top 40 money saving tips for college students on a budget. May it see you through college! 

Top 40 Money Saving Tips

Here is our list of 40 money-saving tricks while in college, prepared by academic bloggers from

  1. Avoid impulse buying by creating a list of things to buy before shopping to avoid wastage.
  2. Don’t throw away your clothes because of minor problems like a broken button or a hole in them. You can patch the clothes and still use the clothes around the house.
  3. Learning basic sewing skills can be a great way to save money because one can repair his clothes
  4. Most people buy items they do not necessarily need. Check through your closet for things that are not in use and sell them to earn some extra money.
  5. To avoid additional expenses, take some time to cook at home. One hour of dinner preparation can be cheaper than eating fast food or pre-packaged dinner.
  6. Students can maximize their savings with coupons or rewards from credit cards that offer specific bonuses.
  7. It is important to spend only what you can afford each month without feeling financially strained.
  8. Lights increase energy expenses, turn off the lights any time you are not around the house or when not using them. Use natural sunlight to keep your electricity bill minimal.
  9. Some money-saving tricks include swapping books to avoid spending more money buying several books. Several sites like Paperback Swap or nearby local library have several offers that students can take advantage of.
  10. Before buying any item, do some research and compare prices because some shops may sell items at a cheaper price
  11. It’s obvious that many stores will attract customers by lowering their prices, make sure to identify these stores and automatically save money.
  12. Homemade foods are a big saver; they are not only cheaper but healthier and tastier. By figuring what one can make without buying will save money.
  13. People spend money to unwind after stressful a day, instead of spending more money to unwind, other options like meditation or exercises can be the best stress reliever.
  14. Always make it a routine to clean your appliance to remove dust that might clog them and avoid frequent repairs
  15. To minimal expenses, students need to cancel club memberships that are not in use like gym membership or any country club membership
  16. Clever shopping means finding exact item at cheaper prices; some used items can be in good condition. Visiting shops that sell used items should be a routine to help you save.
  17. Simple hygiene routine like washing hands before preparing food or after using the bathroom will go a long way in saving you from numerous medical bills
  18. Maintaining   good sanitation is a good way to avoid spending money to treat ailments that can be avoided
  19. Always shop for item you need two days after the holidays, you can get gift bags, wrapping paper, and other gifts at a cheaper prices after the holidays are over
  20. There are several generic versions of products; instead of picking original brands, the generic brands have similar functions. If you buy the generic brand, your expense will reduce tremendously.
  21. Avoid places that might tempt you to spend without planning; malls are tempting that is why one needs to go there if only he needs to purchase an item.
  22. If you have enough space or unused spaces you can rent it out to earn some extra money to cover other expenses.
  23. Avoid extra expense like magazine subscriptions, because you will end up with several unread magazines.
  24. Try and keep the cost of living down by living in cheaper places.
  25. Take advantage of free events like free trials and other sporting events to save money for entertainment.
  26. Take advantage of public transport by taking any transit system instead of driving a car to avoid parking fees. Buying annual transit pass is cheaper than using a car
  27. Even though some ideas might be difficult to implement, but to cut your hair and to maintain simple hairstyle save a lot of money.
  28. When buying items that are frequently used, buying in bulk will save money.
  29. When going out for entertainment, convince your friends to choose a cheaper place instead of going to expensive clubs
  30. Students can save by signing up for automatic debt repayment plans because students will not feel the pain of repaying their loans.
  31. When going on vacation, cut down on exaggerated expenses and takes advantage of free additional services like camping and other affordable services to avoid overspending.
  32. Always wait for some time before purchasing an item is the best way to avoid spending much on what you do not necessarily need.
  33. Keep your credit cards at home, not in the wallet and use them for emergencies only, carrying the cards around might be tempted to use them.
  34. Keep track of your debts to enable you to be conscious about your spending
  35. Limiting spending includes eating leftovers by making them tasty; learning few techniques of cooking, one can minimize spending on food.
  36. Research new banks that offer sign up bonuses when you open an account or banks that offer attractive interest rates to new customers. Accordingly, you might also want to take a look at these aspiration reviews to work out the best way to manage your checking and savings accounts.

  37. The biggest saving is to cut down on the amount you spend watching television
  38. Students can sign up for customer reward programs; many retailers always reward shoppers who frequent their stores.
  39. Always try to be innovative by staying with friends and coming up with your way of entertainment than eating out of town.
  40. Drinking water has several benefits including financial benefits; drinking water means saving on buying drinks like juice or soda whenever one feels thirsty.

We hope you find the above Top 40 money-saving tips useful. Before the start of a new year, it is good idea to do your aspiration reviews. Do share your comments or feedback below to help fellow students too!

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