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How To Improve Your Home And Garden: 5 Tips From Singapore

Home is my castle, as a Greek proverb says. A castle not only means that no enemy can destroy it, but also that you will feel comfortable and secure inside. That’s why creating a design and layout that’s perfect for you before heading to your local home and garden center is the direct way to be in harmony with yourself.

Planning is the first step

Take a blank sheet of paper and quietly think about what you like and what you don’t like, your needs, hobbies, family traditions, how you spend your leisure time, what inspires you, what you want to achieve. This is important. Have each member of your family make a note of it, this “research” will then help you when choosing specific options. When I was planning my garden, I looked out for an outdoor bench made out of solid wood, which was a great option for my design. It’s a great option for anyone, as it’s reasonably priced and has a good design.

At the very beginning of planning, you should draw the boundaries of the garden. The next step is to analyze the existing conditions – what you are ‘given’. You should draw a plan of the area as it is now. Now you’ve drawn your boundaries, and now draw all the things you already have (trees, buildings, etc.). The resulting plan of what is ‘given’ now needs to be completed. This means identifying the individual features of your plot.

Divided the garden into zones 

Here you have to define where you want the zones and how big they are. The zones always have a function and are usually: living area (house, summer house, summer kitchen, patio, etc.), recreational area (gazebo, barbecue, pond, pool), services area (garden, vegetable garden, shed, garage, workshop, etc.). But this is only indicative, and you can “establish” any zones, as you already have your wishes.

The zones should be marked on your “design project“. But not on the piece of paper where you drew the plot boundaries! Take some sheets of tracing paper for this purpose. Transfer your original plan onto tracing paper in multiple copies and mark the zones on one of them. These are drawn as arbitrarily shaped abstract spots. Sign them. Examine the resulting version. You may have questions about where to best place a zone, such as a pergola.

Think this way and that, compare options, move the tracing on the main plan, and immediately see the best one. That way, gradually, you’ll have a complete zone plan (and size it according to your needs). At this stage, prioritize practicality and expediency, because even the most impressive design is unlikely to please you if the site is uncomfortable.

Trails as a way to make your garden more structured

Draw them on tracing paper. First, use arrows to mark your proposed paths, then trace the contours of your paths with lines. Their exact width and shape can be drawn later. The main criterion is that it should be comfortable. For decorative reasons, do not make all paths exactly straight, but create a slight curve. Loop them around the garden – combine them into a single route. It is convenient and practical and is one of the techniques of landscape architecture.

Oxygen: trees will help to refresh the garden

Draw them on tracing paper in circles of an appropriate size; to do this, ask in reference books about the crown size of the trees you have selected as adults and the distance they need to be planted. A general recommendation for placement is as follows: taller plants at the bottom of the plot, beautifully flowering plants closer to resting areas. Shrubs, including berry bushes, can frame the path, conifers can be protected from the prevailing winds.

All should be drawn on tracing paper, as there will be many variations! Arrange them however you like, but don’t forget the lighting requirements. Place roses in front of the house and on the south side, conifers and heathers are good in lapidaries and give plants which flower the longest.

Make accents that will capture the attention

Set accents in the outline plan: garden accessories, plant containers, think of lighting, and atmospheric details. In short, give your garden a “highlight”. And now for the exciting part! Combine all your tracing sheets and you have your dream garden plan.

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