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Going Overseas for the First Time? Here’s What You Need to Know

Going overseas for the first time can be scary at first, but the more you prepare yourself, the more comfortable you will feel. By being aware of the best travel hacks and tips, you can ensure you’ll have everything ready for your new adventure. Sound interesting? Then keep on reading.

When you’re packing

While you might be tempted to throw everything in your suitcase and run to the airport, it’s very important to put some thought into your packing. By using space-saving tips, you can fit more into your suitcase, and avoid paying extra baggage fees. You’ll also want to leave some space for all the souvenirs you’ll be bringing home!

Firstly, you should create a list before you begin, so that you aren’t taking any unnecessary items. Packing cubes can also help make sure everything is organized and compacted. When adding in clothing, choose pieces that can be worn multiple times, and roll them. You should also check out the different amenities that will be available at your accommodation. You may not need to bring a towel, shampoo, or soap.

Another great idea is to take a spare change of clothes with you in your carry on, including any critical medication. This way, if you lose your luggage, you will still have your most essential items with you.

When you’re on the plane

Flight anxiety can affect anybody, so if you know that you will be unsettled during the trip, take some precautions first. Make sure you pack something that can keep you distracted during the journey, such as a book, puzzle, or sketchpad. This can help you relax and focus on another task.

The plane can also get quite cold, so make sure you bring a jacket so that you aren’t uncomfortable during the flight. Earplugs, headphones, neck pillows and eye masks are also great options, especially if you are taking a night flight.

While most flights will offer you food and beverages aboard, it can get expensive. Due to this, it can be worthwhile to take some snacks with you for your trip. It can also help ease your tummy if you are prone to motion sickness.

When you’re exploring

Once you’ve finally reached your destination, it’s time to start exploring! If you plan on visiting any major attractions, it can be worthwhile booking your tickets in advance, so you don’t miss out. You might even get a discount if you book an early bird special.

It’s also worthwhile checking out as many free experiences as possible if you’re traveling on a budget. A lot of the time, these can be the most incredible, and you don’t have to worry about swarms of tourists.

When you need to get somewhere

Hiring a car can be a great option if you are visiting a large country but can also be quite expensive. Public transport around the world is often affordable and can get you almost anywhere you want to go. Most places offer passes that you can use during the length of your stay, but you can pay each time. Trust us when we say it can make a big difference to your wallet. Make sure you do some more research to find top travel hacks that can assist you on your journey.

When you’re hungry

While you might be tempted to eat only at resort restaurants, don’t be afraid to venture out and try some of the local dishes. Head down to the markets to pick up some produce or keep an eye out for fantastic street food. You can also save money by eating locally and avoiding overpriced restaurants. Cheaper, better-tasting food? It’s a win-win!

When you’re coming home

Once your vacation has come to an end, sadly, it’s time to head on home. Make sure you pack your bag just as it was when you departed so that you can fit everything in nicely. If you’ve bought gifts or souvenirs, you might need to wear an extra few clothing layers! You also want to give one last sweep of the hotel room, the last thing you want is to leave something important behind!

By reading through the above, you’ll be able to enjoy your journey, without worrying so much. Make sure you take time to enjoy the sights and sounds but don’t forget to relax as well. Once you’ve got the travel bug, you’ll be addicted and be a pro in no time!

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