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Countries With Best Care For Serious Health Conditions Tourists

Travelling under a medical condition is a serious endeavour, you must be prepared in regards to flights, identification, belongings and insurance. The last thing you want is something to get in the way of your perfect trip and not have anyone to alleviate your symptoms or give you the proper medication required to treat your condition. The following countries with the best care for tourist with serious health conditions. If you are travelling several times in a year, consider annual travel insurance for pre-existing medical conditions, as you can save considerably through this type of policy.

1. Russia

Russia is a well-known and highly developed country, it has a large population and as such, has a bunch of health facilities to accommodate its residents. There are numerous hospitals within the major cities of Moscow, St. Petersburg and Novosibirsk, all equipped with top-notch support and services. Russia has numerous health policies to support its tourists and the country is currently booming as a medical tourist destination, so you know its medical facilities are of a high quality.

2. Thailand

Thailand is another big tourist destination for medical reasons, it may be the biggest in terms of numbers. Over one million people visited Thailand for the purpose of treatment. That alone should speak volumes about the level of quality offered in Thailand’s hospitals and facilities. Along with Russia, Thailand has an array of hospitals scattered around its capital city of Bangkok. Thailand tends to be easier to travel due to its inexpensive flights to major towns and cities within the country.

3. India 

India has invested a hefty amount into the health industry, they alone account for the majority of Asia’s health proceedings. With the amount of commitment and investment they’ve dedicated toward the wellbeing of their visitors and citizens alike, India has been able to build and buy state of the art health equipment and acquire prestigious accreditation from the Joint Commission International organisation. The cost of medical procedures and treatment within India is much lower than the world average, it’s even significantly cheaper than Thailand. Medical tourism within India is set to rocket past other Asian countries by 2020, experts say.

Transport Links

– Russia has robust transport systems in the form of bus, trolleybus and trams littered about its major cities, Moscow has its own metro system. Taxis are in abundance as well.

– Thailand’s Bangkok features the largest bus system in the country, while other major cites like Udon Thani have similarly sized bus systems. In other parts of Thailand, sŏrng·tăa·ou is the way of transport. This is a bus system for less populous areas.

– In India, buses, cabs, boats, trains in urban areas, cycle-rickshaws and autorickshaws make up most of the transport. Cost varies widely from town to town.

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