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Reasons To Make 2018 The Year You Start Trail Running

It’s nearly May and we’re just about halfway through the year, how are those New Year’s resolutions you made coming along? Your reaction — what resolutions!? — is about what I expected. We all begin the new year with just the best of intentions to reinvent ourselves, get healthy, and go rock life. Then, eventually, we lose steam and our motivation tanks. Just because we’re halfway through the year doesn’t mean that all hope is lost. If you’re looking for adventure this year, a way to get you out of your comfort zone, see the world like you’ve never seen it before, make new friends, and have a ton of fun and get healthy is to make 2018 the year you start trail running. 

1. Running trails allows you to experience the world

When you run or hike trails, you get unfettered access to the world. Sure, you can see some landmarks and points of the world from the safety of your car or behind a screen, but to really see it — to really feel the world — it’s amazing to do so standing on your own two feet, powered by your own bodily strength. Plus, realistically speaking, there’s a lot in this world that is simply roped-off to vehicular or motorized traffic. If you want to see it or experience it, you’ve got to do it on your own volition.

2. Running trails is akin to recess for adults in nature

We all probably giddily recall our days in elementary school and all the time we spent playing outside in recess. As we grow up, of course, our recess opportunities evaporate, and most of us stay stuck inside at our computers all day and all night. When you run trails, you get the opportunity to basically experience recess again, but instead of having recess on a playground, Mother Earth is your setting. After being cooped up in an office all day long, there’s nothing better than to feel the wind in your hair and the earth beneath your feet, I promise.

3. Running trails is an excellent way to make friends and meet people

Again, as we age, our opportunities to meet people really tank after a while. It’s typically not until or unless we enrol in some sort of hobby, like trail running, that we expose ourselves to new people, strangers, who may eventually become our friends. If you’re new to running trails, I’d definitely recommend hooking up with a local trail running group. Not only will you have someone to “talk shop” with, but you’ll also have people who can give you directions, recommendations, and serve as a resource to you. In time, you’ll be on the other side, and when you encounter a trail running newbie, you’ll be able to pay it forward. It’s a win-win for everyone.

4. Running trails is good for your health: physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, everything.

Finally, one of the most compelling reasons for you to begin running trails in 2018 is simply that it’s good for you. We know how important it is to exercise, sure, but for many of us, we falter when it comes down to it. Running trails will challenge you, no doubt, but it’ll also show you that you’re capable of more than you think and that you’re much more physically, emotionally, and psychologically resilient than you ever could have imagined. You’ll gain such a wider and deeper view and appreciation of both yourself and the world (and your place in it), too. Honestly, once you begin, you’ll wonder why it took you so long to start.

The above are but a handful of reasons that’ll hopefully help compel you to begin running trails in 2018. You have basically nothing to lose and everything to gain from doing so, so don’t delay! Head to the hills, and see what’s out there. You’ll be glad you did.

About Guest Blogger

Jane Grates is a fitness enthusiast and a certified runner. Working at the crossroads of art and purpose to craft experiences both online and in real life.

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