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Is It Better To Buy A Snowblower Or Hire A Snow Removal Service?

To hire a professional snow removal service to do the work for you or buy the equipment and do the work on your own – the answer to this question will never be the same for everyone. It depends on factors like location, budget, time, and preferences. Here we will list out the pros and cons of each option based on the mentioned factors so that you can make the best decision for yourself.


In today’s day and age, we all live busy lives bound by career or family commitments. Therefore, time management is vital.

Owning a snowblower will prevent you from having to wait for a snow removal company to reach you. It is especially convenient in case of early morning snow removals and after snowstorm snow clearance where a professional snow removal company might not be able to prioritize your house. But the process of clearing snow away on your own could take hours, depending on the amount of snow, and you need to factor in this time.

Hiring a commercial snow removal service will be better if you have a tight schedule that does not allow you to do the work yourself. This way, you can ensure proper snow removal without investing your time.


If you live somewhere where it doesn’t snow very frequently or heavily, then hiring a snow removal service to do the job for you quickly will be your best bet. This way, you will only have to pay per session to the snow removal company, and because your region experiences infrequent snowfall, there won’t be many sessions. This option will hurt your wallet a lot less than buying a snowblower.


If you live in a region where it snows heavily every winter, the decision is not so easy. You need to consider the frequency at which you need to clear the snow. At first glance, investing in a snowblower will seem like a good option because even though it has a higher upfront expense, the yearly cost is not high. But this depends on the type of snowblower.

For regions where snow piles up to around 10-12 inches, you would need a two-stage snow blower priced upwards of $500. A three-stage snow blower is required for more than 12 inches of snow or faster snow clearance, which starts at $1000.

The basic annual maintenance of a snowblower involves:

  • Changing the spark plug.
  • Changing the oil.
  • Replacing the shear pins and adding fuel stabilizer to preserve the gas.

This maintenance fee, combined with the cost of gas required for the snowblower, adds up to $100 approximately. Hiring a snow removal company to fix your snowblower will cost you $80-$200. This yearly expense needs to be kept in mind while buying a snowblower.

The current average cost of snow removal in residential areas by a professional company ranges from $30 to $100 and for an entire season, the contract prices could reach $600. Every time there is a snow event, there will be an additional charge ranging from $30 to $100, depending on the region.

There are cost factors to consider on both sides, and in the end, it comes down to which option suits your budget the best.

Health and Safety Considerations

Using a snowblower might involve considerably less energy than shovelling snow, but it does not completely remove physical strain. If you have a medical condition, it is a safer option to consult with your doctor first before using a snowblower.

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, on average, 5800 injuries occur due to snow blowers annually in the United States. Most of these are fractures or lacerations caused by the powerful blades of a snowblower.

These are valid concerns that could make you seriously consider hiring a professional snow removal company to eliminate these risks.

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