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Pokemon Go Equinox – Double Stardust, Triple XP, Rare Eggs & More!

Trainers have not seen a Pokemon GO event for a while so you can imagine the excitement when we first caught wind of the news of the upcoming event! Pokemon Go Equinox is Niantic’s way of celebrating the autumn season which means new adventures and loads of special in-game bonuses such as double Stardust, triple XP, rare eggs and more! The event will start at 4am, 23 September and ends 4am, 3 October 2017 Singapore time! Follow us as we bring you through the perks of this new event, highlights of the legendary hounds and what’s upcoming for Pokemon Go.

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“With cool autumn nights quickly approaching in the Northern Hemisphere and sunny spring days arriving in the Southern Hemisphere, we thought it would be the perfect time to celebrate the coming equinox with an in-game event. New seasons mean new adventures!” – Niantic 

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Pokemon Go Equinox – Enjoy Double Stardust For Faster Powerups! 

During the event, you will have the opportunity to earn double Stardust for both catching Pokémon and hatching Eggs as you walk around your neighbourhood discovering new sights.

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Pokemon Go Equinox – Hatch Those Special 2KM Eggs

There is no better time to explore and go spin your local PokéStops and Gyms for items such as the special 2KM Eggs! These eggs will offer you the opportunity to hatch coveted Pokémon such as Chansey, Mareep, Larvitar, and more!

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Pokemon Go Equinox – Behold The Super Incubators

The Equinox event will be introducing the special Super Incubators into the game for the very first time! The special boxes from the in-game shop will now contain Lucky Eggs, Lure Modules as well as the all-new Super Incubators which hatch Eggs 1.5 times faster!

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Pokemon Go Equinox –  Triple XP For New Discoveries!

This event encourages trainers to be adventurous with discovering brand new Pokemon for the first time. Registering a new Pokémon to your Pokédex during this limited-time celebration will earn you triple the normal XP! So this makes it a very good time for you to battle against the Legendary Pokémon originally from the Johto region.

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Pokemon Go Equinox – Don’t Forget The Legendary Hounds

After the 3 legendary birds – ArticunoMoltres & Zapdos, 3 legendary dogs from the Johto region – Pokemon Go Raikou, Entei & Suicune will be taking their place as champions to be captured for all aspiring trainers. They will be located in a specific part of the world for a limited time only. We are here to spill the beans and share all you need to know about these 3 amazing beasts, read more here.

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Pokemon Go Equinox – Get Prepared For Mewtwo

While you get excited by the 3 legendary dogs – Raikou, Entei & Suicune, let’s not forget that one of the most powerful Pokemon – Mewtwo will be joining the game soon too! Unlike the previous legendary Pokemon, Mewtwo will only be available in Exclusive Raid Battles. They are pretty similar to existing Raid Battles but trainers must be invited. Click to read all about Mewtwo, How To Defeat It & Invitation Exclusive Raids.

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We hope you find the information above useful. If you have not been playing Pokemon Go for a while, this would be one of the best reasons to get started again. Have fun!

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