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10 Habits to Motivate Yourself This Summer

The scorching days of summer are finally here. The weather is delightful, and there are endless possibilities for having fun. The last thing you want to do is to be productive. Keeping your motivation flying high is beyond hard. It’s a test of how dedicated you are to your personal growth. However, if your goal is really important, you’ll find ways not to stray off from the path. So, how do you stop wandering thoughts and resist the call of the outdoors? Put these habits into play. You’ll be more efficient and productive.

1. Figure Out What You Want to Get Motivated About

If you want to get results, choose goals that interest you. Write down the things you wish to accomplish. A to-do list helps you prioritize your days and motivates you to keep moving forward. Are you desperately hoping to lose a couple of pounds? Or is it challenging to get anything done at the office? Keep on track and you’ll end up where you want to be. Feel free to remove things from your to-do list. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it doing things which are causing you unnecessary happiness.

2. Read A Lot

How much do you read a day? If you take the time to analyze your situation, you’re not reading as much as you should. That’s a shame because you can’t be highly intelligent without reading a lot. Reading is an immersive experience that makes your mind come to life. Why don’t you give your brain a workout? You don’t want to miss out on all the advantages reading has when it comes to productivity and creativity. Go through some old books you’ve collected during your lifetime. Better yet, get your hands on motivational books. Self-help books don’t deserve the reputation they have. They teach you how to live your dreams and help you understand that you’re not alone.

3. Get Off Social Networks

Social media platforms such as Instagram, WhatsApp, and Twitter are great. They help you stay connected to family and friends no matter the location. What’s more, you can stay on top of the latest happenings. A few clicks are enough to get the facts. However, too much social media use can result in mood swings. Your mood drops for apparently no reason. You tend to feel dull, irritated, and even hopeless. What’s there to do? Well, you should get off social networks, at least for a while. Taking a break from social media will help you reconnect with the activities which truly motivate you. You should try it. resist the temptation of pulling up your phone and scrolling through your feeds.

4. Dress for Success

Surprising as it may seem, the clothes you put on can affect your performance. Garments can give you the extra edge you need in your personal and professional life. Instead of dressing comfy, be more stylish. If you look good, you’ll feel good. There’s no doubt about that. Figure out what types of clothes make you look good and which ones don’t give you an advantage. You don’t have to dig deep into your pockets to dress for success. many companies offer affordable rental options for luxury clothing. Basically, you’re granted access to a giant closet. Who would say no to such an offer?

5. Make Productivity Part of Your Routine

Schedule your day for maximum productivity. Wake up early in the morning, grab a cup of coffee, go through your emails, get dressed, and go over your schedule. You’ll be more productive because you’ll be able to set your own priorities and build discipline for other activities. A calendar or planner can come in handy. There’s nothing better than scheduling your motivation. You don’t need the motivation to get things done. Take the first steps, and motivation will come naturally. Start afresh and you’ll see the difference. If you really have difficulty combating fatigue and getting your energy back, start small and go from there.

6. Surround Yourself with Positivity

There’s a close connection between positivity and motivation. Put simply, happy people are much more productive. They’re more likely to accomplish their goals and they’re also more present. Stop spending so much time with negative people. You should be mixing with individuals who lift you up. This is essential for your wellbeing and motivation. Becoming more positive will lead you to people who are right for you. Choose a personal mantra and use it to spark your magic. Most importantly, ignore negative thoughts. Remember that you’ve got a choice when they pop up into your head.

7. Maximize Your Energy

You need the motivation to work on your dreams, but you need the energy to get ahead. If you live a busy life, it’s no wonder you’re constantly tired and drained by energy vampires. Take a warm bath. This should help you recharge your batteries. Get more sleep. Make sure you don’t miss on a few hours of sleep. It’s not fun. Sleeping will increase your energy levels by making you feel more relaxed during the day. If you want to boost your energy levels, improve your sleep satisfaction. Also, try to exercise more. Physical activity should do the trick. If you don’t have any time for sports. Try walking. This plain activity engages your heart, makes you adjust your posture, and awakes the entire range of motion.

8. Create Your Own Quitting Time

To maximize productivity, you don’t have to work longer but harder for short periods of time. If you don’t take breaks, you’ll torture yourself. Instead of working around the clock, take a break every now and then. Get the rest and relaxation you deserve. Frequent, uninterrupted sessions that last more than 30 minutes are the key to success. So, give yourself permission to stop. The breaks restore your motivation, especially when it comes down to long-term goals. If you notice that your attention starts wandering off during the day, go take a break for a while.

9. Reward Yourself

Whenever you complete a goal, reward yourself. This plays an essential role in long-term commitment. It may sound like a self-indulgent strategy, but it’s not. Congratulate yourself for doing things right and recognize your good performance. If you don’t do this, no one else will. Say it out loud or tell a close friend about your accomplishment. This isn’t bragging but sharing. There’s no harm in motivating yourself with external rewards. Buy gifts for yourself. You’ll only get what’s coming to you. And no, you’re not a bad person. You’re simply acknowledging your value.

10. Turn Up the Volume

Listening to music really helps when you’ve got to complete a boring task. Music can elevate your mood, bringing spectacular change. Why not use this powerful tool? Use tunes to give your brain and body a motivational boost. Songs like “Don’t Stop Believing” (Journey) or “Not Afraid” (Eminem) will surely put you in the right state of mind. If you want to do better this summer, put on your headphones and turn up the volume.

To sum up, it can be a daunting challenge to stay motivated during the summer months. If you’re lacking motivation in any area of your life, start building new habits. This is the simplest way to get back on track. Recharge your depleted motivation and be the winner. It’s not impossible, you know.

Writer’s Bio

Daniela McVicker is a contributor to TopWritersReview. She is also an editor at and an experienced writer with a degree in social psychology from Durham University. Daniela is primarily focused on writing about self-improvement. She has authored a number of insightful and motivating articles like “Making The Right Choices Every Day” and “7 Steps To Open Yourself To New Opportunities & Possibilities”.  

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