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The Top 10 Money Tips for College Students

Do you want to save more in college, but wondering how is that possible with just a part-time job and a huge list of expenses? Well, most college students live on a budget. Many people say that it is one of the best times when one can learn about personal financing and be the best at saving money. Here are the top 10 money tips that will be of great help for every college student:

1. Start with a budget

This is the first step of managing money, no matter if you are in college or a working professional. Make a list of incomes you have. For instance, you might be working part-time, you might have taken a student loan or you might be getting some pocket money from your parents. Then, make a list of expenses and see where you can make deductions to save more.

2. Student discounts

You will find many places in and around your campus which provide student discounts. Make a list of all such places and ensure that you go to them whenever required. For instance, the coffee shop on your campus could be much cheaper than the one located outside it.

3. No impulse purchases

If you are planning to shop, make a list of things you need. Ensure that you buy only the items that are in that list and nothing else. Trends show that 23% of buyers are likely to shop more when on an unplanned shopping trip. So shop mindfully.

4. Cook more often

“Taking out time to cook your food could be a challenge for a college student who has a job and a pile of assignments to complete. But you can experiment it for a week and see how much money you will save when you eat at home. Eating home-cooked meals is not only good for your pocket but your health as well,” says John, a health expert who offers assignment help in Singapore.

5. Do not stress

It is okay to have money issues in college. After all, you are still learning. So do not be so harsh on yourself and devoid yourself from everything just to save money. Ensure to reward yourself by spending some money on yourself. There should always be a balance.

6. Limit yourself

Linda, an academic paper editor who provides assignment help in Australia told us that she used to decide her expenditure boundaries when she was in college. She assigned how much she should spend per month on groceries, books, stationery, and other essentials. This helped her in cost-cutting.

7. Keep your information safe

This might not be exactly advice for college but lifetime. Today, most transactions are done digitally. Every other e-commerce website asks for your credit card number and other important details. It is more convenient than paying cash or through bank drafts but you should always be careful who you are sharing this information to.

8. Emergency fund

Samantha, one of the writers at My Assignment Assistance, shared with us the best way to handle emergencies and that is by keeping an emergency fund. It could be used in unexpected situations like if you get sick or your car breaks down. It need not be a big fund but even if you try saving a little money every month, it could be of big help later.

9. Avoid branded items

We all, especially young adults, have this craze for buying only branded products. Well, there is no denying that branded products are of great quality. But if you do not have much money, it won’t harm you from buying things from a local market. Visit a local store once and you will be amazed by the variety and quality they have to offer.

10. Avoid buying expensive books

If you have to study from a book for a short time, you should try getting an old copy of the book or check out your college library first. Buying brand new books that you would study only for just one semester could be a waste of money.

“Saving money in college is no hassle. All you need is a little planning and mindfulness. Always think twice before spending and you will be saving yourself from all unnecessary expenses”, says Tim, a finance expert at one of the best dissertation writing services in Australia.

Have you used any such ways to save your college expenses? Share your money-saving tricks with us and let us know whether you were successful or not. In all, you must remember that saving money is important, but creating a smart balance between living in the moment and saving for the future is how you learn the art of personal finance.

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