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Microwave: Why It Is A Kitchen Must-Have

Yes, there’s the airfryer, multicooker, and wifi-connected kitchen appliance that have been popping up left and right. They’re new gadgets that make cooking more exciting. But you still can’t make me give up my microwave. Are you planning on buying a microwave this late in the game? For me and many of the foodies I know, having a microwave as part of our kitchen arsenal cuts the time involved in a ton of cooking techniques, so I say it’s never too late to own one. 

Here are 7 reasons why a Microwave is an irreplaceable, super useful kitchen appliance:

Explore the many uses of microwaves beyond reheating leftovers and pizza slices. Here are my favorite reasons to own a microwave:

Proof yeast at half the time

If you bake bread for a living, or have a household of bread-hungry kids, waiting for the dough to rise (for an hour or so) can seem forever. With a microwave, you can do the whole process for 15 minutes: 

  • 3-minute microwave, then stand, 
  • Another 3-minute, then shape the dough, 
  • Let the dough stand for another 3 minutes 
  • Heat again for 3 minutes, and let rest for 6 to 10 minutes to double your dough.

Roasting peanuts and garlic

Roasted garlic and peanuts can be used in a wide variety of recipes. They can even be eaten as is, just as I do most of the time. And why wouldn’t I? It only takes about 10 minutes to roast them in the microwave (compared to 30 to 40 minutes it takes when I do it in the oven or stove). 

Melting ingredients in a flash

I use my microwave to melt butter and blocks of chocolate for baking. It is pretty useful for making icing and reducing the time to wait for the ingredients to melt before use. 

Another new discovery is honey and peanut butter. You know how it can be challenging to work through a bottle of either honey or peanut butter once they’ve solidified, right? If the containers of your honey or peanut butter are microwave-safe, you can just remove the lid and microwave it for less than a minute. You’ll be amazed how quickly it turns back to de-crystallized honey or spreadable peanut butter. 

Sterilize items

The first time I discovered we could sterilize stuff in the microwave, my friend was telling me how she disinfects her sponges after cleaning. This brought me to a deep Google search and had since been sterilizing my cutting boards (after soaking in any citrus juice) this way. 

If you keep a garden, you’ll also be pleased that you can quickly sterilize soil in the microwave. Of course, you can’t put an entire sack there, but a small microwavable container full of soil is enough to sow a batch of seeds. It works every time. 

Dehydrating herbs without a dehydrator

If you have fresh herbs in your garden and would love to dehydrate some of them for cooking or making essential oils, you can use the microwave to dry them out. 

You’ll need paper towels. You’ll sandwich the herbs in between paper towels and microwave them for 3 to 5 minutes. You’ll know if it’s done when the herbs have been dried and feel brittle. The smell would also be a huge clue that the herbs have dehydrated. 

Use as a steamer

For a year, I replaced rice with steamed green beans and leafy greens. It was a double effort cleaning pots since I didn’t have a separate electric steamer. 

Turns out, I didn’t need to buy another kitchen appliance. My handy microwave can accommodate my veggie-steaming needs. Just use a microwavable bowl with a bit of water, then place the vegetables inside the bowl and “cook” it for a minute or two. You really won’t notice the difference between cooking methods. 

Cook and reheat in a flash

A microwave is exceptionally handy for reheating food. This has essentially removed food waste in my household. I also like that it could revive stale bread (even without giving it the crunch that toasters provide). 

However, what people don’t take advantage of too often is how a microwave can also work as an ordinary stove or traditional oven. Yes, you can put together a one-bowl meal with meat, veggies and sauce, then place it into the microwave for 30 minutes and be done with your lunch without hassle. 

Of course, you can use it to cook side dishes, or for other cooking techniques that would make food prep a lot easier. 

A microwave oven used to be known as simply a reheater of food. But as you can see, this kitchen appliance is actually quite versatile equipment. In fact, many people who go on extensive road trips in an RV equip their vehicles with a microwave and do ALL the cooking there. 

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