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10 Highly Entertaining Activities For Kids & Toddlers During COVID-19

This lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic might see you cooped up with your children at your house. Apart from wreaking havoc on your health and mind, the economy is in shambles worldwide. The uncertain future is stressful for you and more so, for your kids. Kids do not enjoy being cooped up at home. They like to run and play with their friends. All their favourite avenues of fun like the local park, playground, movie, eateries, and even friends are off-limits until the lockdown ends. All their books, games, puzzles, and TV shows might have become exhausted. 

Kids in their own way realize that something is seriously wrong. To keep them diverted, they must be given activities to stimulate their creativity and expand their enormous store of energy. What’s more, they will appreciate the quality time you spend with them. Many parents may be working from home also. But you need not worry with these 10 Highly Entertaining Activities for kids and toddlers during COVID-19.

1. Make your own jigsaw puzzle

Your kids might have exhausted their store of jigsaw puzzles. But it is easy to make new ones with old ones. All you have to do is put the original puzzle together and flip it over. You can paint or stick a picture in its back and then carefully break it apart. Voila! You have a new jigsaw puzzle.

Involve your kids in this activity. They can paint or choose the picture themselves. Older kids can do it all on their own. It is an excellent activity for them and gets the creative juices flowing.

2. Install a swing

If you have a backyard with a tree, it can’t get any easier. You can easily make a swing or buy one online. Saucer swing is great for a small bunch of kids. If you do not have a backyard with a tree, you can try installing one indoors. It is a simple DIY project that will give your kids hours of entertainment.

3. Make slime

It is easy to make slime with some common ingredients. A fun way to introduce your kids to chemistry. All you need is some glue, contact lens solution, and baking soda. Mix ½ teaspoon baking soda and 2 to 3 tablespoons of contact lens solution in a 6-ounce bottle of glue.

Use a spoon to mix until it hardens enough to knead. Use hands to knead it further until it thickens into a blob. Though messy, it is completely safe. You can use food colouring and glitters for additional fun. Your kids will love it!

4. Make noisemakers

Though it may drive you nuts, this option is easy. Your kids will have a lot of fun making them. Find empty water bottles, fill them up with objects such as rice, popcorn kernels, or beads. Encourage your kids to decorate them with paints and colour papers and wait for the mayhem to begin.

5. Create a treasure hunt in your home

Another fun way to keep your kids occupied. You can use your house plan for a map. Create clues to make the hunt challenging or easy depending on the age of your children. You can let each child create his/her own treasure hunt. It takes a lot of time and creativity. A great way to send them scampering throughout your house following clues.

6. Use Google Expeditions

Virtual reality is a great way for your kids to experience real places. All you need is a smartphone and a headset. You have a host of options in Google Expeditions that will take your child on a virtual tour to different cities and places on Earth.

7. Involve your kids in daily household chores

A super way to get things done while keeping your kids occupied. You can allow them to choose their favourite music while working. Your kids can help you clean a cupboard or a bathroom, vacuum the floor, do the vessels, and even help you cook.

Be sure to guide them while they are at it. Kids love playing adults. It has the added advantage of teaching them neatness very early. They will love the responsibility and the satisfying feeling they get after a well-completed task.

8. Play hide and seek

Who does not love playing hide and seek? You can layout the ground rules, like letting them know areas to be avoided while hiding in your house. Let them find out creative ways to hide. Your kids will enjoy it even more if you could join them in the game.

9. Use YouTube for fitness

There are hundreds of videos on YouTube for fun fitness activities at home. Being cooped up at home largely curtails the general fitness of your kids. You do not want them to become couch potatoes. You can work out with them too and lose some weight in the process!

10. Try Khan Academy

Khan Academy is a nonprofit educational portal that offers free courses for adults and children. They offer courses in a lot of subjects like math, grammar, art. History and engineering. These courses come in different learning levels.

You can pick a level that suits your child’s age. Lockdown time can be spent increasing knowledge on any subject and also learning new ones. The Khan Academy makes learning fun for young children.

To wind off

You can use your creativity to bring a twist to the activities mentioned above and also create new ones. You must customize any activity to suit your kid’s age and understanding. Always be nearby to monitor and guide them. Above all stay safe and stay home during this lockdown.

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