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How To Get Better At Dealing With Change [7 Simple Ways]

Everyone deals with change differently. If it’s a positive change, such as getting a raise, it’s usually easier to adapt. And yet, if it’s something painful such as losing a parent or going through a pandemic, it’s much harder — it’s downright difficult. But, instead of retreating and hiding out until it’s over, there are ways to cope. It may not be a walk in the park.

But, by applying some of these techniques, adapting to change becomes more natural. Step by step and breath by breath, you’ll adjust. In the process, you’ll mould yourself into a brave person who can make it through anything. Here are some ways to ease yourself through changes in your life.

1. Stay Away From Social Media

Social media connects you with friends, companies, and people who inspire you. If you’re on Facebook, it’s nice having the option of communicating with friends on your feed or using Messenger

But, as much as social media makes it easy to communicate with friends, it has its downsides. For example, if you’re prone to comparing yourself to others, it’s best to keep your distance.

Everyone handles change differently. Believing that no one is struggling can compound what you’re feeling. Some people tend to “disguise” how they’re feeling on social media. It could be they want everyone to believe that nothing ever goes wrong in their life. Or, they’re a private person!

But, rest assured, everyone goes through challenging times. So, to make it through a significant change in your life, stay off of social media for a while. Or, at least work to limit it. If it’s not uplifting, it doesn’t make sense to allow it to take up so much of your valuable time.

2. Work on Being More Flexible

Being flexible means you’re okay when things change, even when you don’t like it.

Are you a planner who likes to have everything go according to plan? Don’t worry, a lot of us are. Unfortunately, even if you have things set up, it’s only natural for them to change.

Having false expectations can disappoint you. And, when things don’t go according to plan, you get let down. That’s why you should be okay if things end up going in a different direction. Learn to be at peace with the situation regardless of the outcome. For example, if you’re friends with a couple who breaks up, it’s hard coming to terms with that.

You should acknowledge that all relationships change, and some don’t work out. Of course, it’s okay to be optimistic. But, it’s still important to be realistic. Adjust your way of thinking now, and later you’ll handle change better.

3. Seek the Positives

Even though change is difficult, look on the bright side. For example, if a friend is moving to a new location for a job, try to be happy for them.

It’s sad for you to say goodbye, but that doesn’t mean you can’t text and chat on social media. Stay positive instead of dwelling on the negative, and change will be more natural. If you’re experiencing something such as a loss of a pet — it’s devastating. As heartbroken as you are, a hardship can shape you into a stronger and better person.

Try your best to be positive as you go through good and bad times. That doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to experience pain. But, seeking happiness will make adjusting to the new change a little bit smoother.

4. Maintain A Regular Schedule

If you find everything is changing all at once, sticking with a regular schedule will help.

Go to bed and get up around the same time every day. And, make sure you’re getting enough sleep. If you’re not getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night, make it a priority to get enough rest.

Creating a daily workout schedule can help release stress. It also gives you something to look forward to every day. There are many schedules you can create, both for work and your personal life. Maintaining specific agendas will remind you that not everything is changing.

And, it’ll make it easier to relax knowing some activities are staying the same.

5. Eat the Right Type of Foods

When you’re having trouble adapting, it’s easy to forgo eating healthy. But, not eating the right type of foods can make things worse.

A review from 2016 tells us something about stress and food. When stressed, your body needs more vitamin B, vitamin C, magnesium, and selenium.

So, if you’re struggling with change, make sure you’re feeding your body with the proper nutrients. And, don’t wait until change happens to treat your body well.

The best scenario is if you already have a healthy diet. If you’re filling your body with the right type of foods, you’ll be able to adapt to what life throws at you a lot better. Remember, what you eat also affects your mind. So, focus on giving your body the good stuff (and we’re not talking a Snicker’s bar).

Keep a healthy mind and body, and change will barely phase you.

6. Be Patient With Yourself

If you’re struggling with change, it’s common to be hard on yourself. But, instead of wondering why you can’t overcome the situation, be patient with yourself. It’s normal to have a hard time as you switch job positions. There’s a learning curve involved, and it’ll take a while to get settled.

Like, if you’ve brought home a new pet. It’s exciting, but both you and the pet need to get used to one another. Even though it’s a fun change, it’s still something different in your life. Whatever you do, don’t punish yourself for reacting to change. But, you are in control of how you deal with those feelings. Try to remain positive and give yourself some grace as you go through this period.

7. Don’t be Afraid to Ask for Help

Change takes some getting used to, so why not ask friends and family for help? If they know you’re struggling, they’ll be able to be there for you. Whether it’s getting together to go for a walk or having a heart to heart talk, they can offer support.

So, take the time to let a loved one know how you’re doing. If you’re having a hard time coping, together, you can brainstorm positive solutions. Coming up with a plan can help you adapt to various life changes.

In Conclusion

As you learn how to handle change, remember that everyone handles it differently. How you weather the storm may be different than how someone else does.

Try these techniques and figure out what works best for you. And, if it takes a while to improve your response to change, it’s okay. You can discover ways to respond to your feelings healthily. Do this, and you’ll be on your way to becoming a better version of yourself.


Dominique Daniels is the Business Manager for Anthology at Vista Station. With over ten years of experience in the multifamily industry, she is one of the most dedicated managers in her field. She loves to help others and takes great pride in working in a community that so many love to call home. 

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