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What Does A Common Car Insurance Policy Cover

Although cars are useful assets and investments and play a significant role in people’s lives, they usually come with many responsibilities. They tend to be huge liabilities, especially when unfortunate situations arise in the course of their existence. Thus, it’s a requirement that every vehicle owner must have car insurance coverage. This coverage is essential in protecting car owners from substantial financial burdens in case of emergencies. Therefore, it’s essential to look for the best car insurance in Singapore to ensure you are well covered. Below are some top things covered by common car insurance:

1. Bodily injury

This means that you’re liable for getting compensation if a car accident occurs, resulting in some form of accident. This is two-sided, meaning that it covers both the designated driver and any other person who is inflicted with bodily injuries along the way. Therefore, if you get involved in an accident where you get injured in any part of your body, as a driver, you’ll get your medical expenses cleared without incurring any cost. On the other hand, if you inflict injury on another person, the medical expenses will be cleared without him or her paying any penny. Additionally, the bodily injury liability coverage also assists in paying the lost wages if the affected person is not in a position to continue working after the car accident.

2. Collision

As the name suggests, collision coverage involves catering for all damage resulting from your car being damaged in the event of an accident. Generally, your car is covered in several aspects, including head-to-head collision with other vehicles or objects like embankments, telephone poles, electricity poles, trees, or guardrails. In some rare cases, you will also be covered from any damage as a result of potholes.

In most Singapore states, collision coverage is usually provided with a separate deductible. This means that any accident or collision that occurs due to your fault will get full reimbursement to cater for all your car repair costs minus the deductible. On the other hand, if the collision happened due to another person’s negligence, the insurance provider will go further to recover what they paid you from the other driver’s insurance provider whose negligence caused the collision or accident.

3. Property damage

Here, your car is covered against any potential damage to your property or other people’s property. It also covers instances where you give someone else your vehicle and gets involved in an accident that damages someone’s property. The property does not necessarily mean buildings or houses, but rather any other asset, including lamp posts, offices, fences, telephone poles, and other people’s motor vehicles. When such an accident occurs, the property damage liability coverage will stand for all the costs involved in repairing or replacing the damaged property, depending on the intensity of damage caused.

4. Personal injury protection

Basic car insurance coverage covers personal injury protection. This means that the driver or passengers involved in an automobile accident are liable for getting injury treatments without having to bear the medical burden. It also covers funeral expenses, rehabilitation, dental care, and even lost wages.

5. Uninsured or underinsured motorists

It’s normal to find uninsured drivers along the way, especially those who are practising this art. There are higher chances of such drivers causing accidents or property damage, mostly if left to drive alone. Common insurance coverage includes uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage. This assists in catering for medical expenses that arise from an accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver. An underinsured driver means that his insurance is not sufficient to cater for the damage or liability caused. This coverage also helps in unfortunate events like hit and run situations. In Wyoming, there is a mandatory auto liability insurance law and those caught driving without insurance must have their insurance company file an sr22 insurance wyoming form.

6. Comprehensive cover

Comprehensive coverage assists in paying damages that happen to your car and are out of human control. In most cases, when damage or theft happens, you will be liable to compensation provided that it is not a car or object collision. Some of the events covered by comprehensive coverage include hail, earthquake, fire, vandalism, windstorm, riot, theft, and animal contact. It will cater to the repair of your broken or cracked windshield.

In conclusion, these are some top things covered by common car insurance. As a car owner, it’s essential to always look for the best car insurance in Singapore to keep you at peace in the event of any unfortunate circumstances in the future. If you are a Singapore resident and you are looking for the best car, motorcycle and travel insurance expert, we are the best solution. To get an insurance quote, visit our website and contact us.

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