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Breast Augmentation: Breast Implants And Fat Transfer In Singapore

In this day and age, breast augmentation surgery has turned into a billion-dollar industry. Surely one of the most common cosmetic procedures around the world, it enables women to change something they don’t like about their bust and improve their self-confidence. In the following article, we are going to talk about what the different procedures entail and how much each one costs. Stick around.

What Is the Meaning of Breast Augmentation?

Breast augmentation, or augmentation mammoplasty, means altering the size, shape and, sometimes, the texture of the breasts so they look firmer, younger, and bigger. This can be achieved through different means but most of the time it involves some kind of plastic or cosmetic surgery executed by a cosmetic or plastic surgeon.

Nevertheless, it is an outpatient procedure. Patients must meet certain criteria in terms of medical history and skin condition. The procedure is a complex one and it requires careful planning and forethought. Women should have realistic expectations.

Breast Augmentation via Fat Transfer (Fat Graft)

You’ll often hear surgeons in Singapore like Dr Shens at ShensClinic call it fat graft. The term describes the action of transferring fat from one part of the body (like the abdomen, thighs, hips, and arms) to areas where fat is lacking and desired. This can be the face and breasts. These days, it’s also done on the buttocks since it’s trendy.

The treatment works for people who happen to have localized fat deposits that do not disappear with a good diet and loads of exercise. It does double duty by contouring the body and adding volume in places where it is needed.

The incisions are so tiny they are almost inconspicuous; hence, they heal fast and leave no visible scars. What is more, it has the advantage of being more sparing – the transferred fat is technically your own tissue. This means your body is not going to treat it like a foreign object. There is less room for complications or unwanted reactions as compared to other breast augmentation options.

Keep in mind that the surplus fat is extracted using liposuction. For the purpose, a thin and tiny tube that goes by the name cannula is inserted into the pre-marked areas of interest. Then, a suction technique is employed to obtain the tissue. This may create complications if not performed right. For this reason, you have to go to someone experienced and medically prepared for it. Only doctors or plastic surgeons should carry out liposuction. Note that not everyone makes a great candidate for it.

Patients can return to work soon after the procedure.

Breast Augmentation Using Breast Implants

Implants have long been used to enhance breast size and give the chest a good lift. There is already plenty of info about them. Since it’s no longer taboo to talk about these things, many women around the world gladly open up about their experience, sharing valuable insights into the breast implant surgery they had and the recovery stages afterwards.

To make things better, newer, more advanced, models keep coming up to offer lessened risk and natural results. They vary in size and texture allowing patients to really get the most customized look possible, which eventually increases satisfaction rates.

Since breast implants have been around for a long time, there is enough scientific data on their benefits and negative impact. Surgeons know what to watch out for and how to prevent unwanted outcomes.

As mentioned above, the procedure is called breast augmentation or augmentation mammoplasty and is a surgical one.

What types of breast implants are there for breast enhancement plastic surgery?

Patients have a good breast implant selection:

  • Saline implant. This one is regarded as a safer alternative to traditional implants because it is filled with sterile salt water instead of silicone. What this means is that if the saline breast implants rupture, the contents will be absorbed by the body and no complications will arise from that. They can be placed empty inside the breast tissue and filled all the way up after that or they may come pre-filled. A disadvantage to this item is that it is more visible under the skin and it also doesn’t feel as natural as other materials. To avoid wrinkling, surgeons should avoid filling the implant to the brim.
  • Gummy bear implants. These come in the shape of teardrops and are touted to give the most natural look and feel precisely because of that. They also tend to retain their shape better than the other options. Silicone gel-based, gummy bear breast implants are made entirely of silicone but have some added benefits that older models don’t possess.
  • Silicone implants. Without a doubt, the most popular type even to this day. What has made silicone gel implants stand the test of time is its durability and versatility. Part of the reason women love the results is that silicone feels pretty much like natural breast tissue. The implants have a silicone shell and silicone contents.

Breast implant placement during plastic surgery

Breast implants can go under or over the chest muscle. Oftentimes patients are not aware of how much of a difference the positioning makes. The pectoralis muscles that sit underneath the breasts can change the outcome and provide support for the implant.

  • Below the muscle (sub-muscular technique). It is recommended for women who still have not given birth and those with smaller breasts. Placing the implant in this position does not disrupt the milk ducts and gives ladies the opportunity to breastfeed.

However, it allows for a certain implant size to be employed. There is not enough room for larger pieces and if you really want to go big, this method may not be suitable for you. In addition, it creates a more natural appearance of the chest where the lines of the implant are not so rough and apparent.

This is especially true for saline implants that appear to be much firmer than the other types. Fixing them in place right below the muscle will help to avoid failures with the breast shape and breast volume. For instance, when the chest muscles are flexed, the implant being so firm will likely remain intact, creating an unnatural shape.

  • Above the muscle (sub-glandular). When it comes to this option, the breast implant is placed with greater ease and it requires less nip and tuck. It also shortens the healing period. With this method, more cleavage can be created since it provides vast room for a bigger breast implant.

Breast implant profile

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons points out three different profiles you need to be aware of before you undergo breast augmentation. They indicate the projection of the piece when someone is standing. The choice depends on a woman’s proportions and the outcome she is looking to obtain.

  • Low profile: It is perfect for wider chests as it minimally projects forward from the chest.
  • Moderate profile: Your surgeon will tell you this is where you want to fixate on if you are looking for the most natural results. The projection these guys provide is not too high to make them look artificial.
  • High profile: These breast implants can give you beautiful round breasts, but they may appear less natural to some people, so you have to be wise about it.

Whether you go for a low or high profile is a tough question. Sometimes the decision is not based only on wishes alone. Your surgeon will help you figure out which profile will suit you best to make your breast augmentations journey successful.

Decisions you need to make before the breast surgery

Women considering breast augmentation need to answer the following questions:

  • Which placement? Over muscle or under muscle?
  • Which profile: moderate, high, low?
  • Which incision: inframammary, periareolar, transaxillary, or transumbilical?
  • What type of implant? Silicone breast implants or saline pieces?
  • What shape of your breasts are you going after? Round implants or teardrop implants?
  • What feel? Smooth or textured?
  • What size? Anything from 80cc to 800cc and above.

A surgeon can help you answer all of these questions if you are not sure.

How Much Does Breast Augmentation Cost?

Fat graft breast surgery: $6,500-$8,000

Breast implants: $5,000-$10,000

The cost ranges from $5,000 to $10,000 and is dependent on multiple factors, starting with the type of procedure you want. When it comes to fat transfer surgery, the fat that you are going to use has to be harvested from the desired area using liposuction. Liposuction is an expensive procedure that will add a burden on your wallet since it’s not typically covered by insurance. The more areas are liposuctioned, the bigger the cost.

As far as breast implants are concerned, you have to pay for the pieces and they carry different price tags. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons has found that silicone implants to be more expensive to manufacture. They can set you back some $4,000 on average. By contrast, saline implants run about $3,500.

Now, don’t forget that your breast surgery bill will include medications, anesthesia, fees of staff and surgeon, breast augmentation consultation, and other hospital charges. This will skyrocket the final price of the treatment. And finally, it’s worth noting that this is not a medically necessary procedure, hence it is not part of the insurance plan. You have to pay for it out of pocket.

Bottom Line on Breast Augmentation Surgery

There are several options for getting bigger and firmer breasts these days. The least risky one consists of moving fats from one area in the body straight to the breasts, using the patient’s own tissue. The scars are practically invisible to the naked eye.

For those looking for a bigger bust, implants are available in various textures, size and shape. Saline and silicone breast implants are the most common pieces. The breast implant procedure is performed by a board-certified plastic surgeon. Different techniques exist, making the choice a little bit tougher.

Depending on the materials, one can achieve a natural breast look and feel with minimal to no scarring. That if the surgeon is skilled enough. Choose wisely and don’t go to the first one you encounter online.

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