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Guide To Feeding Your Baby Formula

Feeding your newborn is the first complex nutrition decision you make for your child. New mothers are often worried about their infants getting enough to eat. Whether you breastfeed or formula-feed, or even decide to mix-feed, it’s important to choose what’s right for you and your baby. Both are valid, healthy, and personal. You need to believe in what you choose. Whether you nurse or formula feed, your baby’s nutritional and emotional needs will be met.

The formula is often prescribed by doctors for medical reasons. Many infants suffer from jaundice, don’t gain weight adequately, or require additional hydration. Sometimes it is recommended when Mama needs certain medications and can no longer nurse.

Breastfeeding can be emotionally, physically, and mentally draining for both parents. Remember, your needs matter. You must take care of yourself so that you can take care of them. Make sure you also get the right supplements to keep you healthy as you breastfeed. Something as simple as lactation breastfeeding protein powder can help you produce more breastmilk and keep you in good shape.

Exclusive Formula Feeding

Exclusive breastfeeding for some time or formula feeding from the start is a healthy way to feed. That said, even breastfed babies can get deficiencies, like vitamin D, requiring them to get supplements within the first few days of life.

Choosing the right formula has become trickier than ever due to unlimited and sophisticated options in the market. As a parent, you probably never imagined you’d be spending hours looking for the perfect formula for your baby. From traditional cow’s milk to Goat Milk Formula For Your Baby can be all a bit too overwhelming.

Supplementation (combining breastmilk and formula)

Feeding your infant doesn’t have to be a black or white situation and it doesn’t have to be a choice laden with guilt. Thankfully, you are allowed to meet halfway, opt for a combination of formula and breastmilk. This is known as supplementation, and it’s allowed.

Some breastfeeding mothers like to supplement with infant formula from time to time for various reasons. Some have to return to work after their maternity leave expires, leaving them to explore alternatives. Infant formula is the perfect solution for working mothers even if you work from home, making it easier for both Mama and baby to transition to bottle feeds.

Choosing the Perfect Formula

Formulas come in different types of bases and forms. Most formulas are made from cow’s milk or soybeans. There are also specialized formulas for babies who are allergic to milk or soy proteins, and for babies who are premature or have a low birth weight.

It is also recommended that any formula you choose should be iron-fortified to prevent anemia. It is best to reach out to your baby’s paediatrician to get a list of available options and pair it up with your baby’s needs.

Forms of Formula

There are three basic types of formula available for infants. The best way to move forward is to keep an open mind. You might choose something that your baby might reject, so remember, it’s ultimately up to your little one to choose their favourite.

Ready-to-feed liquid

These can be transferred into the baby bottle to feed right away. They are convenient and require almost no preparation time, other than cleaning and sterilizing bottles. They are the most expensive form of formula.


These come in a liquid and concentrated form, which needs to be diluted with water. All you need is safe-to-drink water and sterile bottles to feed your baby.


This comes with a sachet and scoop, and needs to be mixed with water as well. Powders are usually the least expensive form of formula. Preparing powder base formula takes more time and effort, but can be made easier if feeding times are pre-planned.

The Four Types of Bases

Cow’s Milk

As implied, the main ingredient in a cow’s milk-based formula is cow’s milk, but the milk is processed and modified to make it safe for infants. Cow’s milk-based formula is the most popular type sold worldwide.

Cow’s milk formulas are also available with added iron. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) recommends an iron-fortified formula that parents give all bottle-fed infants from birth to one year.

Infants’ digestive systems are known to be sensitive, so it is dramatically altered to make them easily digestible and perfectly safe for babies to consume.  The protein used in cow’s milk formula is usually easier on a baby’s tummy, and lactose is added to enhance the taste to make it more like breast milk. However, you must keep in mind that some babies are often allergic to protein-based formula.


You can consider a soy-based formula if you have diagnosed digestive issues with cow’s milk formulas. If your baby has a sensitive tummy or is diagnosed with lactose intolerance, also known as a milk allergy, this can be a great alternative. Allergic symptoms may include colic, failure to grow, discomfort, and blood in his faeces.

Soy formulas contain a different protein (soy) and different carbohydrates (glucose polymers or sucrose) than cow’s milk formulas and are usually only given to babies with sensitive tummies. They are often prescribed for a shorter period (a week to several months) for babies’ digestive enzymes to get back to normal. It’s best to get your doctor’s go-ahead before returning to cow’s milk formula.

Soy milk formulas are a great alternative, but the source of protein is not as good as cow’s milk. Sometimes babies who are allergic to protein and cow’s milk are also allergic to soy milk. So it can be tricky for you to choose the perfect formula.

You should consider soy-milk based formulas for your infant only if your doctor suggests medical requirements. You must remember to declare any history of lactose intolerance in the family to make this journey easier for you and your baby. Don’t forget to thank us later for the money you will save from the trial and error.

Specialized Milk

Specialized formulas are only given to babies with medical requirements. They are most common for premature infants with certain medical needs.  They are also prescribed by doctors when your baby’s allergy to cow’s milk or soy milk is quite severe.

Specialized milk formulas contain additional nutrients to help with the baby’s growth and development. Do not give your baby a specialized formula without talking to your doctor first.

Hydrolyzed Formula

These formulas are known to be much more modified and altered, in other words, broken down (hydrolyzed). They are particularly designed for babies with extra sensitive digestive tummies.

For babies who are intolerant to both cow’s milk and soy milk, the hydrolyzed formula is the next best option. The hydrolyzed mixture is broken down into smaller proteins to make it more easily digestible for lactose intolerant babies.

You know your options, but now what?

Once you have selected the winner, here’s what to consider when choosing a baby formula. It’s really important to consider your budget before deciding on a formula for your baby. Before your baby shifts to a formula they like, it’s best to make sure you can access and afford it easily. Choosing convenience over everything can be a game-changer.


As new parents, it’s completely normal for you to feel that your baby is the most high-maintenance child out there. You might be confused about how others are doing it. Well, it’s best to plan.

While choosing what’s best for you might seem like a complex decision, it’s ideal to narrow it down according to your budget. Unless your baby has a certain medical requirement, sticking to a budget-friendly formula will help you in the long run.


Accessibility is one of the biggest factors to consider when choosing a baby formula. While you are doing your research, you need to find out what’s easily available near you. Make the selection from what’s accessible to keep it simple.

Buying and feeding formula to your baby is a job that’s on repeat for at least the first year of their life. Choose a formula that easily fits into your lifestyle and is also accessible if you wish to travel.

Stay the Course

Stick to the formula your baby has liked the most in terms of taste, digestion, and lifestyle. As parents, we naturally compare our babies’ growth and development and tend to create unnecessary confusion. Stay the course. Unless your baby’s paediatrician has identified a medical issue, there is no need to experiment to enhance your baby’s growth to your heart’s satisfaction.

Remember, every child is different, and all you need to focus on is what’s best for you and your baby. Once you get into the swing of bottle-feeding your baby, everything becomes breezy. Good luck.

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