Tips On How To Travel With Children Post-Divorce

When people decide to get on a trip hardly have they got divorced, they should be ready for a few challenges especially when they go with their kids. Even though travelling is supposed to be relaxing and stress-busting, everything can be exactly the opposite when you do it post-divorce. If you used to travel with your former partner, look for a replacement. This can be either your close friend or family member who will accompany you and watch your kids, if needed, when you are out for shopping, etc. Below, there are a few travelling tips that will help you make everything go smoother:

Take into account your children’s age and your budget when choosing your destination

Toddlers and preschoolers are fond of building sandcastles and don’t mind spending much time in one place. If you have little ones, then think about renting a waterfront bungalow or cabin. Older kids, who strive to immerse themselves in adventures and explore many new places, will like spots offering lots of outdoor activities. Look through available travel deals and decide on which one suits your kids’ interests and your budget best.

When people get divorced online, they have a great chance to save a lot of money and spend it on their dream vacation later on. If you were lucky enough to get a cheap divorce, then waste no time and get an all-inclusive tour. As soon as you buy it, you will have no longer worry about any extra expenses mainly because your meal, lodging, and lots of activities for adults and kids will be included in the price. While your little ones will be engaged in fun activities, you can use your free time and enjoy a cocktail or two at the local beach bar. Sounds great, doesn’t it?

You will find many operators offering special deals for families with kids. You can get a safari tour, where your kids will have a great opportunity to learn more about the African culture, while you will be able to relax at the spa or join your little ones if you want to.

By taking an ocean cruise, you can visit a few destinations during one trip, avoid unnecessary unpacking, and reduce the number of transfers that is particularly important when you are not alone. However, as a solo parent, you may want to have some time for yourself and not being with your kids twenty-four seven is just what you need right now.

Let your kids communicate with another co-parent

Of course, for you, it may feel like your former spouse cannot get out of your hair especially when he or she keeps calling your kids 24/7. No matter how annoying his or her behaviour is, you cannot ban him or her from talking to your little ones unless the court did this. However, you can avoid such a situation if you:

  • provide your former spouse with all the trip details;
  • agree with your ex on how often and when he or she can call your kids;
  • agree to share pictures and videos from your vacation;
  • and decide on how you two will stay in touch so that your kids don’t hear your conversations that often get a little heated.

Plan your vacation early enough

While you used to put everything away for later, going for a trip with your little ones requires you to be prepared ahead of time. So, it is important to start making plans for your next trip before you get divorce papers. First of all, this is how you can determine your travel dates and destinations and specify them in your parenting plan that you will have to prepare along with other forms for divorce. If you are going to take a trip during your spouse’s specified time, then you have to discuss this with another co-parent long before you start making any plans; otherwise, conflicts are inevitable. If your ex has already planned out his or her parenting time, you have to call your trip off.

Discuss all trip details with another co-parent by emails and save them

Since you are going with your kids alone, your former spouse should be aware of all the minutest details about your vacation. Send your former spouse an email with all information on dates, locations, and hotels and be sure to save it at least until you come back home. This is how you can keep your ex informed about your plans as well as ensure that nothing that you have said can be twisted and used against you.

Make sure that you have all the necessary travel docs

If you are going to take your kids abroad, make sure that they have passports. If they don’t have any, then ask you ex to prepare a passport application for every kid with you. However, if you have sole custody, then there is no need to discuss anything with your former spouse. Take note that if you are going to travel to Canada or Mexico, you will need a document from another co-parent permitting the trip. If you are not planning to go overseas, make sure that you have copies of your every kid’s birth certificate, Marital Settlement Agreement, and Final Judgment.

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