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Alternative Workouts For Your 2021 Fitness Goals

Plans to lose weight are among the things that always make an appearance in our New Year’s resolutions. Unfortunately, this could be because our plans to exercise always fall apart around the middle of the year. The problem may lie in your choice of workout for your weight loss plans. If you’re not into boring, exercise routines, going to the gym would definitely feel like a drag. Instead of wasting your money on a gym membership in 2021, you should definitely consider trying a workout that you know you would look forward to like the ones in the list below.

1. Pilates

Pilates is a low-impact exercise that focuses on core strength. At the same time, it enhances different muscle groups such as the abs, arms, legs, thighs, back, and butt.

However, posture improvement would be the main driving force for people who take Pilates classes. With slow and precise movements, it enables individuals to feel more in control of their body, allowing them to stand taller. 

This process also improves flexibility. Movement becomes easier, especially for people who are more prone to joint and muscle pain. It is for this reason that this alternative workout is recommended by Orthopaedic Clinic Singapore to relieve pain in older individuals and people who have undergone joint surgery.

For best results, attending Pilates sessions 3 times a week is encouraged. This workout can be done at home, but having a Pilates instructor definitely helps you reap more of its benefits

2. Dance

Dance is definitely something your heart will thank you for. Not only because it will reignite your passion for dancing or fill you with happiness by just moving to good tunes, but because it is also an extremely beneficial cardio exercise.

According to Livingstone Health, dancing puts your heart and lungs to use. Making a habit of dancing, then, would help you tire less easily when doing your everyday tasks or even strenuous activities outside your comfort zone. 

On top of this, vigorous activities like dancing reduce your chances of acquiring heart disease. Fast-paced, challenging dance styles also burn fat faster than typical exercises like running and swimming.

As dancing involves a lot of movement, it also engages different parts of the body, which promotes joint health. Additionally, attending dance class is also beneficial to your mental and emotional health as it is an activity that allows you to interact with other people.

3. Indoor Rock Climbing

Indoor rock climbing allows you to challenge yourself in a controlled space that ensures your safety. You can use this to prepare for actual mountain climbing or simply as a fun, alternative workout.

This activity involves both the upper and lower body. In particular, you can expect to tone and strengthen your back, arm, leg, and core muscles with this exercise. It also challenges your flexibility as you pull yourself up to reach a higher position.

Besides its benefits to physical health, indoor rock climbing also exercises the brain. It requires spatial awareness and problem solving as you calculate your next move.

However, the experts at Rheumatologist Singapore warn against overexerting your joints when doing physically demanding activities such as rock climbing, as anything excessive can be harmful for the body.

All in all, it is a great workout alternative for people who cannot go to the gym or attend classes several times a week, as it is one activity that involves numerous parts of the body.

4. Spinning

For people who want to gain the health benefits of biking without being under the sun, spinning or indoor cycling classes may just be the perfect workout.

Like traditional biking and other forms of cardio, it offers an effective means to boost cardiovascular health. It helps promote lung health and keeps people away from heart problems. 

Unlike other cardio exercises, however, it does not put too much stress on the joints, which makes it ideal for people who have arthritis or have suffered a joint injury.

You can also expect to burn a good amount of calories in 20- to 90-minute spinning classes that will surely fit your schedule. We guarantee you won’t even notice the time, as spinning is typically done with pop or disco music playing in the background to motivate the members of the class.

For best results, Healthline suggests attending spinning classes 3 to 6 days a week.

5. CrossFit

CrossFit is a high-intensity workout that is for people who are tired of their normal gym routines and are looking for a challenge. 

Heavy on weightlifting, squats and push-ups, this is certainly not for the weak of heart. This workout does the job of helping you pack your muscles really well.

According to the online fitness magazine, CrossFit does more than improve strength, power, stamina, and cardiovascular endurance. It also enhances speed, flexibility, agility, accuracy, coordination, and balance.

Other than its health benefits, CrossFit also boasts a supportive community that can help you reach your fitness goals easier and faster.

Anyway, CrossFit and the rest of the items in this list are only some alternatives to the gym you can try to help you achieve your 2021 fitness goals. Just remember that it is still best to pair these with a proper diet to achieve the optimum results. 

To avoid straining your body or overworking your heart and lungs, it is also best to check in with your doctor to know what workout would work best for you.

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