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Easy & Realistic Fitness Goals To Achieve this Year

Is one of your new year’s resolutions to achieve a healthier and more active lifestyle? Well, we’re here to tell you that starting a fitness journey is easier said than done, but that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible to do! One effective strategy to kickstart your fitness journey is by keeping a list of realistic fitness goals because as a beginner, you have to start somewhere easy. Otherwise, there’s a huge chance that you’ll get discouraged along the way. 

For those who haven’t completely figured out how to begin a fitness journey, we’re here to share some tips! Here’s a list of easy and attainable fitness goals to help anyone on their journey towards living a healthier and more active lifestyle:

Drink more water

It might seem like a “real” fitness goal, but drinking water is an important factor in maximizing physical performance and cognitive function — which is why it’s important to remain hydrated during physical activities. 

According to a study conducted by Harvard University, drinking water aids in digestion flushes bacteria from the bladder, prevents constipation, normalises blood pressure, and regulates body temperature. 

It’s recommended to drink as much water as half your body weight in ounces per day. If you weigh 150 pounds or 68 kilograms, you need to drink 75 ounces of water every day. 

Stretch several times a day

One way to strengthen our muscles, reduce the chances of injury, and relieve muscle tension is by stretching regularly. It’s an important component of our workout routine, but most people don’t do it enough, leading to more injuries and muscle strain. 

Stretching can also be important outside our workouts. Upon getting out of bed, take a few minutes to do some stretching to increase blood flow and wake yourself up. Finding time to take a stretching break at work will keep you energised through the entire day, which can lead to increased productivity. 

Try a new workout every month

You will likely get bored doing the same workout routines every month. What’s more, it’s never a good thing for the body to get used to the same workout patterns because it will plateau, preventing it from developing more muscles and becoming stronger. 

Luckily for you, there are hundreds of ways to discover a new workout. There are thousands of tutorial videos on Youtube targeting different sections of the body, from shoulders down to legs. 

You might also want to take advantage of the free classes offered by local gyms in your area. There are already a lot of new workout routines you can learn by attending one or two classes, so don’t forget to take note of every routine.

Create a workout-friendly space at home

If you’d rather work out at home than spend money on a gym membership, then you have no other option than to create a space at home that’s conducive for home workouts. It’s a cost-efficient way of keeping you motivated to work out. 

Since working out requires a lot of space and elicits a lot of sweat, you’re going to need a spacious and well-ventilated room. Doing intense workouts in a cramped room with no windows will make it harder for you to move and catch your breath.

According to Ceiling Fan Repair Singapore, whose technicians have installed fans for various gyms on the island, we can keep our home conducive and well-ventilated by getting a ceiling fan and keeping our windows open. Doing so will allow indoor air to circulate and fresh outside air to enter our homes.

Reduce sugar intake

There’s no doubt that most of us consume an unhealthy amount of sugar every day, from post-meal desserts to carbonated refreshments. It can be harder for some to cut down on sugar because we’re so used to it being part of our meals. 

The results of our daily workouts will be harder to see if we refuse to reduce our daily intake of sugar and sweets. It also doesn’t cost anything, and will even help you save money while improving your health in the long run. 

It’s also a well-known fact that too much sugar in our diet affects our bodies in different ways, from cavities to skin problems. 

According to the specialists at Dermatologist Singapore, too much sugar in our diet triggers acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and rosacea, and accelerates aging. 

If it’s impossible for you to give up sweets, then you might want to try healthy alternatives such as fruits and dark chocolates. 

Don’t forget to rest and recover

During the workout, our muscle tissues get broken down, only to be repaired through proper nutrients and sufficient rest and recovery. As beginners, it can be tempting to hit the gym and work out every day to see the results, but that’s not the recommended approach. 

In fact, our bodies can become more susceptible to injuries and illnesses because continuous workouts without enough rest may weaken our immune system. 

One way to allow our bodies to rest after an intense workout is by having a hot shower. A hot, steamy post-workout shower helps our muscles recover and boosts our bodies’ ability to be ready for the next workout. 

There’s no rule for how hot a shower should be, but the technicians at Water Heater Repair Singapore recommend keeping the temperature at an average of 37°C to 38.3°C, or at least no more than 41°C to avoid getting burns. 

That said, it’s equally important to allow ourselves to rest and give enough time for our body to recover on its own. 

In Conclusion

Starting a fitness journey is never easy. However, as long as you’re committed to your goal and know the do’s and don’ts of working out, the results of your hard work every day will appear faster than anticipated. 

That’s it for our tips on how to realistically kickstart your fitness journey! If you can think of other tips that might be helpful for other people who are just starting, don’t hesitate to share them with us!

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