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7 Surprising Benefits Of EMDR Therapy

EMDR therapy is a well-established way of treating a lot of psychological problems. This was first developed back in 1987 by Francine Shapiro upon noticing a correlation between eye movements and the intensity of nightmares. Further researching this topic, she developed the process of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy. This therapy is now practised in almost every place including the happiest of the nations such as Singapore. EMDR therapy is popular around the world, especially in Singapore. Here are a number of benefits you can expect from EMDR in Singapore are:

1. Patients with PTSD can get the most help

EMDR therapy involves making the clients relive the trauma but in a much more controlled environment and setting. This helps the interpreter to track the different eye movements and map the brain activity. With proper control and regular sessions, the patients start getting control over their trauma and handle it better.

Singaporeans find the process extremely effective in recovering patients from the trauma that it is one of the top ways recommended by the psychologists and therapists there.

2. EMDR therapy helps with a lot of psychological ailments

EMDR at Singapore is slowly becoming a very approachable and common way of treating many of the several possible mental problems. A major few are:

  • Anxiety
  • Panic
  • Depression

The best part about using EMDR for all these treatments is that it allows the patients to slowly take over their negative emotions and get a better approach towards life. The patients start by reliving the negative experiences over and over again, decreasing their effectiveness over mind and overcoming them.

3. Phased and Focused

This is another benefit of EMDR therapy, that is, the whole treatment is broken down into several steps. Each step gives the patient enough time to actualize and achieve realistic goals. The therapist also takes time to gauge the patient’s stress tolerances and then personalize the procedures accordingly. At many of the steps, there is an evaluation stage where the therapists and even the patients get a chance to talk about their experiences and the related sensations.

4. Changing outlook towards life

EMDR therapy is slowly being taken up as a general method for getting a better outlook in life in Singapore. The main focus of this technique is to approach the negative thoughts and emotions in the brain in a controlled manner and then slowly change the patient’s responses to it by desensitizing the incidents.

5. Regular and consistent therapy

Unlike sessions where a patient keeps talking about their anxieties without any improvement, EMDR at Singapore takes a very different approach. The whole process consists of eight different steps which can be completed in 12 subsequent sessions. This gives the patients a tangible goal for expecting some improvement.

Though it sounds intimidating, reliving the traumatic experiences again and again, with the therapists providing a controlled approach towards the incident helps patients use the EMDR techniques to slowly desensitize and reprocess the hold of these incidents over their lives.

6. EMDR therapy had long-lasting results

Several independent studies have been conducted over the years to find out the effectiveness of EMDR therapy in Singapore. The test around the world shows that people with severe post-traumatic stress disorders responded better to EMDR therapy. The patients were divided into groups with some receiving the standard PTSD care and the other group receiving EMDR therapy.

All the results show that EMDR therapy in Singapore not just helps patients recover in the immediate time after the treatment but is also effective in reducing the stress over long periods of time, creating an emotionally healthy environment in Singapore.

7. Safer than a lot of other methods

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing techniques are considered to be one of the safest ways of treating trauma-related stress disorders. As there are no invasive procedures and medication involved in this therapy there are a lot fewer side effects in this process than the standard procedures which involve taking prescription drugs. The whole process solely takes place with just words and interpretations and therefore is easier to get acclimated to.

These are a few of the major benefits of EMDR therapy. Being in good health mentally is what a country like Singapore prioritises making the environment happy. There, people are more conscious about mental awareness and the support rendered by both the government and institutes further help their social well-being.

The institutes in Singapore aim to provide patients with a better way of handling their trauma and get better in life. As EMDR treatment directly jumps into the problem of reliving the trauma, patients might feel a little overwhelmed in the initial days. But with proper guidance from the therapist and following the different EMDR techniques patients quickly start desensitizing and getting better.

The procedure is not just restricted to people with mental disorders. Anyone can take the EMDR therapy to bring about a positive change in their life and progress towards a healthier future in the country.

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