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The 7 Upsides Of Quitting Caffeine For Good

Thinking about cutting caffeine out of your diet? Here are seven reasons why quitting caffeine is beneficial for your physical and mental health. Caffeine is a reliable pick-me-up when you lack the mental alertness that you need to face the day. Some people can’t skip their morning cup of hot coffee, while others grab an energy drink midday to get through the afternoon slump. There is no denying that caffeine consumption has become a deeply entrenched habit in our culture,  and it does carry some benefits.

But have you ever tried to go caffeine-free? Preposterous, right? We’ll all turn into caffeine-starved zombies! But bear with me for a moment as we discuss the benefits of going without caffeine. Let’s talk about some of the ways that quitting caffeine can improve your physical and mental health. You may see the value in it for you personally.

1. Sleep Better at Night

Do you lay in bed staring at the ceiling? Your caffeine consumption could be the culprit, especially if you are guilty of drinking a cup to get through the afternoon slump.

There’s no argument that caffeine can make it hard to sleep, even if some people say that coffee makes them sleepy. And even if you are able to fall asleep, the quality of sleep that you get after drinking caffeine just isn’t the best.

By cutting caffeine out of your diet, you can fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer. If you often have trouble sleeping at night, try going caffeine-free and see if it helps.

2. Healthier Anxiety Levels

Caffeine stimulates the nervous system, causing a jolt in our heart and sometimes even a panic attack. Of course, these symptoms are more often seen in those who are predisposed to anxiety. However, prolonged caffeine consumption can lead to anxiety attacks even for those who never had them before after.

Not only will caffeine drinkers be more prone to nervousness, but the chemical is also linked to depression and stress.

3. Fewer Digestive Issues

For many people, a morning cup of coffee is typically followed by a trip to the restroom. That’s because coffee is a laxative. However, consistent coffee drinking can cause incontinence.

Also, if you suffer from heartburn or acid reflux, keeping your coffee intake low will cause less acid to build up in your digestive system.

If you appreciate healthy regularity in regards to your bowel movements, you’ll want to nix caffeine from your diet.

4. Absorbing All Your Nutrients

We do our best to make sure we eat a healthy diet with a wide range of vitamins and minerals to improve our health. Caffeine can counteract some of our good intentions.

Tannins in caffeine interrupt the uptake of iron, calcium, and B vitamins. It’s hard enough to absorb all your daily recommended nutrients without caffeine getting in there and messing things up.

If you know that you have some gaps in nutrition, you should be wary of drinking too much caffeine.

5. No Longer Dependent

Although nowhere near the severity of illegal substances, caffeine is technically a drug. And, like other drugs, when you drink it every day, your body begins to depend on it.

There’s a sense of mental clarity and peacefulness that comes with no longer being dependent on this chemical. Just imagine — you’ll be able to jump out of bed and get going without having to stand over the coffee maker downing your first cup.

As a precaution, it’s important to know that you may experience withdrawal symptoms, especially if you’re used to drinking a lot of coffee every day. But once the drug is out of your system, you’ll feel much better.

6. Look Your Best

It is possible that quitting caffeine can give you better skin.

According to scientific research, caffeine interferes with collagen production. This isn’t good because collagen is a protein that helps to keep your skin from losing its elasticity.

Have you noticed some drooping around your eyes lately? Maybe you’ve noticed a few extra lines around your lips? It’s time to cut caffeine from your diet!

Quitting can also help give you healthier teeth. The acid in coffee breaks down the enamel of your teeth, and the enamel is the protective layer that gives your teeth their white colour.

As if that’s not bad enough, the brown colour of coffee also stains teeth. Without these caffeinated drinks, your teeth will be whiter and healthier.

7. Fewer Hormonal Imbalances

If you are a woman, you have another reason to quit caffeine: It’s proven to raise estrogen above the healthy level.

This information is especially important if you are in menopause, suffer from endometriosis, or are susceptible to breast and ovarian cancers. For women in these circumstances, extra estrogen will only worsen an already difficult situation.

Caffeine can even cause some fertility issues. If you are trying to get pregnant, now is a good time to give up caffeine. If you’re successful, you’ll need to try to limit your caffeine intake for the baby anyway, so you may as well get a head start.


Habits are hard to break, and if you need your coffee like a flower needs the sun, then we don’t want to cause a catastrophe.

However, if the seven benefits above have convinced you to take the caffeine-free plunge, we have one suggestion for you:

It may not be a good idea to quit cold turkey.

For those who have been drinking coffee every day for a decade or longer, cutting this out of your diet can cause some pretty powerful headaches. Instead, wean yourself off of caffeine by cutting your consumption back gradually. This gives your body time to adjust, and you will have fewer side effects

Oh, and if you miss your hot coffee in the morning, try herbal tea or apple cider as a replacement!

Client bio

Adam Marshall is a freelance writer specializing in all things apartment organization, real estate, and college advice. He currently works with Palmia to help them with their online marketing.

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