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How To Select The Perfect Fireplace Insert

If you have a wood-burning fireplace in your living room, you probably enjoy the warmth and ambience every cold season. But did you know that a fireplace insert can be a superior option to a wood-burning model? You can save a lot of cash on wood and electricity bills if you go with a more efficient insert. To help narrow down the selection below is a fireplace insert buyer’s guide that will point you in the right direction. 

Consider Fuel Type

The first consideration is the type of fuel used. There are highly efficient models that burn wood pellets, propane, and natural gas. Which is best in your case depends on fuel availability and cost in your region. 

A model that burns wood pellets is more efficient and less expensive to operate than a traditional wood-burning unit. But make sure that any wood-burning fireplace insert you choose has been certified by the EPA

Choosing an EPA-certified wood burner ensures it will burn more efficiently and won’t produce clouds of smoke. It’s essential to consider a wood-burning unit that doesn’t produce smoke because waste goes up the chimney. 

An electric fireplace is also a possibility. The ‘flame’ is created with LED lighting. This can be a great option if you don’t have room to run a gas line to the fireplace. 

Many homeowners decide to go with natural gas or propane, which burns efficiently and is affordable. It’s estimated that a typical gas fireplace costs about 40 cents per hour to run. You don’t have the same wood aroma as the other options, but you can’t have it all. 

Think Size

There are all sizes of fireplace inserts. But since it’s an insert, it needs to be the right size for the existing fireplace. If not, installation costs will rise dramatically. 

Deciding the right size for your room comes down to carefully measuring the current fireplace’s width, height, and depth. 

If you are installing an entirely new fireplace, it’s possible to have many different fireplace sizes. But it’s wise to rely on the advice of an expert fireplace consultant to tell you which is the ideal size for your space. 

Controls Matter

It’s important to think about all the details when choosing a fireplace insert. For example, if you buy a gas fireplace insert, it will pump out a lot of heat. So you should buy one where you can vary the height of the flame and temperature. 

Having proper control of the fireplace will let you turn down the heat while still enjoying the look of the fire. 

Some fireplaces are available that let you monitor the fire from your cell phone. That way, you can turn the fireplace on from your phone before you drive home. Some units can even be controlled with the sound of a person’s voice.

Other units come with a battery backup that lets you run the fireplace without electricity. Others have a fan built-in that circulates heat throughout the room. 

Whether you buy gas, wood pellet, or electric fireplace, remember to have a professional do the install. It’s essential with fireplaces to be installed safely and according to local regulations. You also should get a permit and an inspection to make sure everything is up to par. 

Now that you know so much about fireplace inserts, choosing a fireplace that meets your home’s needs will be easier. And you can look forward to a warm, cosy family room this winter! 

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