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Newest Scientific Findings About Inflammation (2023)

Swelling, redness, heat and pain in the body’s tissues. These are the signs that our innate immune system has identified a potentially harmful bacterium, virus, allergen or other invader and does its best to get rid of it. Although such a feature is essential for human survival, it can become dysfunctional and a person can get stuck with chronic inflammation. It leads to the damage of healthy cells and the consequences of this process can be extremely bad.

While the full impact of inflammation on the human body is not yet known – its negative consequences are still being investigated – at the same time, efforts are being made to find out how these consequences can be avoided.

The finding that may revolutionize medicine

One of the newest discoveries made by researchers from the University Hospital Bonn, the Institute of Biochemistry of the University of Cologne and The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Reasearch in Melbourne (Australia) shows that various inflammation reactions of an important sensor protein proceed in a specific direction. The studythat has been published in the journal “Science Advances”, gives hope that it may soon be possible to find a way to stop inflammation in the “growing end” and prevent the onset of chronic inflammatory diseases.

The impact of intermittent fasting on inflammation

Another study that has been published in “Frontiers in Nutrition” journal shows that chronic low-grade inflammation is linked to obesity. Therefore, to reduce inflammation, it is very important to lose weight. Can intermittent fasting regulate inflammation? According to research, it can, but very slightly. This means that a person may not experience improvement using intermittent fasting as a helpful tool.

COVID patients suffer from persistent inflammation

Researchers from Allen Institute states that one of the reasons why some patients had COVID for a long time was an overactive inflammatory response. About two-thirds of patients who had experienced a long process of healing from COVID had clear signs that they were experiencing inflammation. Scientists analyzed how long COVID patients have persistent inflammation, how much this period differed from those who did not have COVID. According to them, the obtained results can significantly serve in the future in order to increase the efficiency of disease treatment and to develop medicines.

It is time to take your health seriously

Only a few of the latest scientific findings were mentioned above. However, scientists continue to work and new discoveries are published almost every week. Of course, the main message does not change – even though inflammation in certain cases is a good thing, it can also cause many negative consequences for one’s health. Especially since it includes not only unpleasant body reactions manifested by heat, fatigue, redness, etc., but also leads to many diseases.

Therefore, it is very important to pay proper attention to your health: take care of proper nutrition, ensure quality rest and exercise regularly. If you are just taking the first steps in an anti-inflammation lifestyle, then you can use tools that can help you form habits more easily. For example, Immudi review shows that its users who want to regulate weight using the inflammation-free diet effectively achieve the desired results. The app presents itself as a revolutionary weight loss app. In addition, the testimonies of the app users show that such a description was not too ambitious indeed. So, if you don’t know where to start, the plans offered by this app can be a great start. Of course, as it was mentioned earlier, it is not only important to have a complete diet, but also a harmonious healthy lifestyle, which also includes rest and physical activity.


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