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What Is The Difference Between Holle Goat Stage 1 And Holle Goat Stage 2?

Let us be the first ones to say you’re not alone. Swimming through several baby formula options and picking the right one can be difficult. On top of that, stages can be difficult to understand, especially if you’re a new parent. To make it easier for you, in this read, we will discuss the differences between the two primary stages of the Holle Goat milk formula; Stage 1 and Stage 2.

Why Do Baby Formulas Come In Stages?

Stages only make the entire supplementary diet process harder for the parents. However, they are indeed a hidden gem. As infant continues to grow, their dietary needs change over time. They need more iron, vitamins, minerals, and other components essential to growth. In this case, if you were to stick to a single stage, the infant would outgrow the nutritional package it offers.

Keeping this in mind, Holle Goat Formula stages adapt to an infant’s dietary changes through the early years of their life.

Let’s get right into the primary differences.

Difference#1: Nature of Formula

Holle Goat Stage 1 is an infant formula. It contains gentler proteins in the stomach and is easier to digest, i.e., the whey of goat milk. So, an infant’s stomach can adapt well to them compared to the following stages (stage 2 and stage 3).

On the other hand, Holle Goat Stage 2 is a follow-on formula. It contains comparatively complex protein structures such as starch and maltodextrin. They are also rich in all the ingredients found in infant formulas, including all the vitamins, etc.

Difference#2: Age Difference

Holle Goat Stage 1 is suitable for birth to 6 months. However, feeding follow on the formula to a baby under six months can cause digestive issues instead. So, conventionally, parents are advised to transition to Holle Goat Stage 2 from six to 10 months. From then onwards, it will take up the role of a healthy supplemental diet.

The texture of these two Holle formulas differs in that stage 2 is thicker (to facilitate weaning), and Holle Goat Stage 1 is like regular formula.

Difference#3: Nutritional Needs

The stage 1 formula, as discussed above, is composed of ingredients picked specifically for a newborn. The balance of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and just the right amount of primary minerals like iron and zinc facilitates healthy brain and digestive system development.

Contrary to this, Holle Goat Milk Formula has a different nutritional composition. The primary difference is lower protein content and higher iron content. An increase in iron is required because, at six months, the infant starts to run out of their iron reserves at birth. It also has an increased amount of vitamins C and E responsible for strengthening the immune system.

Note: The stages offered by Holle are synchronous to age. However, some infants may need to stay longer on a stage before the transition happens. Make sure to consult your pediatrician before making a final decision.

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