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Growth Factors In Skincare: What To Know

Growth factors are substances that send signals to cells, stimulating actions such as growth, proliferation, differentiation, and healing. Growth factors are proteins derived from stem cells found in plants, animals, and humans that helps regenerate the skin. They are found throughout the body and work by renewing skin cells, which creates younger, healthier-looking skin. They are gaining popularity in the skincare routine as they are an integral process of healing and repair in the skin, and it promises a healthier and younger-looking skin. 

Growth factors have been used for decades in research, but they are making a bigger breakthrough in the skincare field. They were first used for skin healing; for burns initially as they significantly reduce the time they need to heal. It also improves fine lines, wrinkles, the texture of the skin, and adds hydration. They are mostly used by professionals, but they can also be found in any beauty store usually in the form of serum, gel, and moisturizer.

The Growth Factor can be used well with some skincare ingredients and not so well with others. The serum should be applied right after cleansing before any other kind of skin preparation; it can be used with retinoids and moisturizer. However, it should be avoided using together with acidic ingredients. It has been suggested that the growth factor derived from human cells may work more efficiently however, NU skin reviews that even the ones derived from animals and plants provide significant improvement in the quality of the skin.

How Do They Work? 

It is a given that the Growth Factor in skincare does not do a great job of penetrating through the skin due to its large molecules. Even though only a small amount can penetrate through the skin when applied on the surface of the skin. It prompts a chain of signal that stimulates increased growth factor production underneath the deeper layer of the skin.

Its uses have a benefit in the micro-needling process after it creates tiny injuries in the skin. Micro-needling stimulates fibroblast activity and subsequent healing in the skin; the addition of growth factors can fasten this process and make the more effective in treating skin conditions.

Following are some of the reasons why Growth factors should be included in your skincare routine:

It Boosts Skin Cell Growth– Growth Factors create more collagen and elastin, which keeps the skin smooth and firm for a healthy-looking complexion.

It Addresses Aging Concerns– Anti-aging skincare products with Growth Factors tackle all kinds of wrinkles and fine line issues. It helps reduce the sagging, dark spots, and lack of firmness.

They’re Already a Natural Substance in Your Body– They are already found everywhere in your skin, therefore applying Growth Factor products is a safe, and effective anti-aging ingredient. They also reduce inflammation and stimulates collagen production for smoother skin.

It Pairs Well with Other Products– You can use it as a serum, pair it with antioxidants, or if you other anti-aging products adding growth factor will easily give a boost to the awaited results.

The efficiency comes down to the growth factor included in the formula.  

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