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How To Use Custom Printed T-Shirts To Promote Your Business

When marketing your business or brand, the aim is to find an effective way to increase your brand awareness and sales. Custom printed t-shirts are a fantastic way to establish your brand name among the masses. They carry your brand message in the most casual, friendly, and effective way – like a friend convincing the other about his products and services. Here’s how to use custom printed t-shirts and Order Saddle Stitch Books to help promote your business.

Give them out to clients to work as a walking advertisement

Custom printed t-shirts with your business logo work as walking advertisement and offers excellent visibility for your business. It’s the most affordable way of promoting your brand and creates a visual connection with your customers. When someone wears your printed t-shirt, your brand name is out on the street, and it effortlessly circulates through the public wherever the wearer passes.

Every time your clients wear your branded t-shirts, they do the legwork for you and marketing your business. All you need to do is create and design your custom t-shirts and hand them out to clients or at an event. Instead of going with the typical black and white shirt, go for t-shirts in your brand colours to have an extra impact.

Contests and giveaways

People love free stuff. Giving out your custom printed t-shirts with your company name at a conference or event is a proven method to reach new customers, and keep loyal customers tied to your brand. Keeping a stack of branded t-shirts at any event attracts an audience and gets distributed faster than flyers or business cards. The more value you provide to your consumers, the more they will be inclined toward your brand. Ensure that the t-shirts are of high quality to establish goodwill with your customers and new ones, too.

You can also optimize your mailing list to send your branded t-shirts to your loyal customers when they purchase something. Another way is to create contests on social media like Instagram or Facebook. Ensure that the competition you come up with is interesting enough and keeps your followers engaged and eager to win the freebies. In the process, you may also win more followers and gain more customers.

Dress your staff in your branded t-shirts

Providing your staff with custom printed t-shirts with your company details displayed on the front and back, then asking them to wear them on a few days of the week, let’s say Wednesdays and Fridays, is a great idea to market your business. You can also create unique designs on special holidays and spice up your message. Additionally, they can again wear branded t-shirts at fun company gatherings or promotional events; this will improve your branding efforts.

When your staff is wearing your custom-made branded t-shirts, it’s an awesome way to show uniformity and consistency with your brand. It helps your brand gain more recognition and builds awareness.

Peak curiosity.

In a world where most consumers are pitch-blind to social media and traditional advertising, custom printed t-shirts are an excellent way to draw attention to your brand and peak curiosity. Unlike normal signage like banners, signs, and billboards, most people are almost forced to look at a branded t-shirt, family, friends, or people they meet wearing them.

A creative and eye-catching design can spark a conversation and cause people to ask questions to find out a bit more about products or services your business is offering. They leave a lasting impression on people, and they always remember about the company whenever they require the services they offer.

Create trusted endorsements

It’s no deep secret that one of the most persuasive and most effective forms of marketing your business is through word of mouth. Most customers tend to trust their friends or family’s recommendations concerning products or services far more than paid advertisements. The fact that your clients are willing to wear your custom branded t-shirts is an instant endorsement of brand or service to their family and friends.

A Few Tips to Use When Designing Your Custom T-Shirt

  • If you plan to add more than your logo and company details, make sure it looks good. Some things may look good on paper, but not necessarily when printed on a t-shirt. Plus, no one will be willing to wear an unattractive t-shirt.


  • Make sure your company logo is big enough to be visible even from a distance. Ensure that it’s not too large to empower the overall t-shirt design, or it’s not too small that it goes unnoticed.


  • The fabric you use for making the t-shirts that will be used for printing should be of high quality, so that people enjoy wearing it for longer, and that it won’t fade or be destroyed after a few washes. Don’t forget it will represent your business, and using low-quality material will make people think that what you’re offering is also not up to standard, which may harm your brand.


  • Putting out of context or inappropriate graphics or images that don’t go with your branding isn’t a good idea, as this will do more harm than good.


  • Also, don’t forget to print the t-shirts in various sizes to fit all your clients, and encourage them to wear the custom branded t-shirts whenever they want.


  • Make use of the sleeves; the front and back aren’t the only places to put your message. You can add your company name or a small illustration to make the t-shirts pop more.



  • Incorporate sustainability into your brand. Most people are attracted to sustainable brands.


  • Choose your colours wisely, but don’t go crazy with colours. Ensure that the colours you choose complement your brand colours.


  • Finally, use a professional with experience to print quality designs for you to ensure the entire process will be a success.


If you’re not using custom printed t-shirts from for your business yet, then you’re missing out on an effective, affordable, and powerful branding opportunity.

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