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Reviewing Your Weight Loss Strategies With Dorra This 2022

Weight loss is a common New Year’s resolution, but many people find that they are unsuccessful in achieving their goals. There are many potential reasons for this, including inappropriate diet and exercise plans, lack of motivation, and even genetics. This 2022, why not start by giving yourself realistic goals that you can accomplish in the long term? Your goal should motivate you to continue making healthy changes and not appear impossible to achieve. Losing weight can seem like a daunting task, but with the right planning and commitment, you can shed off your body fat successfully. 


We’ve rounded up some tips to get you started on your weight loss journey. 

7 effective ways to lose weight

1. Change your diet slowly

For starters, many assume it’s good to do an instant diet switch. You probably have a whole list of healthy foods you’re planning to start eating more of while eliminating any processed or high-fat food that adds extra calories. However, that is also the reason why many are less likely to stick to their new diet. Making drastic changes to your diet can be difficult, especially if you’re not used to eating healthily. 

A gradual approach, on the other hand, will help foster a smoother transition. For example, start by having fruits as part of your meals or opt for unsweetened coffee for that much-needed caffeine. These small steps will naturally become part of your daily routine and you’re more likely to maintain a healthier diet in the long run. 

2. Choose an exercise that matches you

There are so many options out there when it comes to choosing an exercise routine, which can make it tricky to decide on one. However, it’s essential to select something that you’ll enjoy doing, otherwise, you’re likely to give up before you see results. And yes, you don’t have to dedicate hours at the gym to keep your weight under control. 

Depending on the area you want to lose weight in, you can consider brisk walking, running, swimming and cycling. At-home workouts like frog jumps, leg raises and push-ups can also do wonders when it comes to fat-burning. 

3. Get up and move

Movement doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise; even simple things like getting up to get a glass of water can make a difference. If you’ve been working from home, chances are that you have become used to staying glued to your seat. Opt for a height-adjustable desk to alternate between sitting and standing throughout the day. By incorporating regular movement into your lifestyle, you can increase your chances of maintaining that waistline.

4. Hydrate yourself

Did you know that drinking water can help you lose weight? It’s true! When you drink plenty of water, your body stops retaining fluid, which can lead to weight loss. Plus, drinking water can help boost your metabolism, flush out toxins and increase your energy levels. So if you’re looking to shed a few kilograms, skip sugary beverages and replace them with water instead. You may be surprised at how much weight you lose just by drinking more water. 

5. Manage your stress

Most people think of weight gain as a result of eating too much or not exercising enough, but did you know that stress can also be a contributing factor? When you’re stressed, your body produces cortisol, which is a hormone that causes the body to store fat. This can lead to weight gain over time, especially if stress becomes chronic. 

Additionally, if you have a habit of stress eating as a form of comfort, this could backfire on your efforts to lose that body fat. Luckily, there are steps you can take to manage your stress and keep your weight under control. 

When you’re feeling burnt out or just in need of a break, stop what you’re doing and head out for a walk instead of staying at home. This not only makes a difference in your mood and helps you return refreshed, but also adds more steps to your day.  

6. Get sufficient rest

If you’re hitting a weight loss plateau, it might be worth looking into your sleep habits. Sleep plays an important role in staying healthy and the lack of it could be a reason why you’re not losing any more weight. Insufficient sleep has been linked to obesity and weight gain, so if you’re trying to keep your weight down, make sure you’re getting enough shut-eye. Start by getting at least eight hours of sleep each night, and observe the changes that simple action can do to your body. 

7. Consider dorra

If you’ve not experienced the wonders of slimming treatments, it may be time you add them to your list of slimming strategies. They’re a great way for you to learn more about your body and work towards visible results. Slimming treatments are becoming increasingly popular as a way to lose weight safely and effectively. There are many different types of treatments available in Singapore, each with its own set of benefits. 

If you’re overwhelmed with options, why not start with dorra? Beginning with a personalised body-fat analysis, you can discuss your weight problems one-to-one with an experienced slimming specialist and have a treatment plan customised to your needs. Moving forward, you can easily schedule an appointment at your convenience for a quick 20 – 40 minutes session. To work towards your dream figure, you can complement your healthy habits with:

  • Intense Fat Burning Slimming Treatment: Targets and eliminates stubborn fat cells at tummy, hips or thighs, using dorra’s exclusive slimming peptide technology that increases fat burning by 53%. It guarantees a loss of up to 5cm in just 1 session.
  • Speedy Detox Treatment: Aids the fat-burning process and restores the body’s lymphatic system by reducing water retention and expelling harmful body toxins. 

Here’s what the customer have to say about their journey with dorra:

Check out their reviews to have a glimpse of what your experience will be like at dorra. The best part is, with seven outlets conveniently situated all across Singapore, you won’t have to travel far for your customised dorra treatment. It’s that simple! If you’re ready to take control of your health and achieve this New Year resolution, get in touch with dorra for more information today.  


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