Fooling The Eyes: How To Make Your Wardrobe More Slimming

It doesn’t matter what year we pen this article in, the topic is always going to remain evergreen. In other words, looking slim is always going to be a the top of a lot of our agendas. The focus of today’s guide is going to be through your wardrobe, and specifically how your clothing choices can impact your body. This is something that often gets forgotten about, so let’s now dive into some of the best tips that can help you appear a little slimmer when it comes to your clothes.

Take advantage of V-necks

It might not work for every occasion but as we’ve seen from umpteen of the famous dresses worn in movies, it can be a style that works very well from time to time.

From a slimming perspective, V-necks can work a charm. They are something that can expose skin on your upper body, and ultimately drive eyes away from the lower regions.

Your feet can make the difference as well

It sounds ridiculous, but when it comes to these slimming looks every element is under scrutiny here. This includes your feet and if you can turn to heels with pointed toes, you will be well on your way to changing perceptions about your size.

Suddenly, eyes will be fixated on thin heels, which provide a much different outlook from the wider shoes that can suddenly make your legs seem a little bigger as well.

The rules also span to your underwear

Again, it might sound ridiculous, but trust us when we say that your underwear can make a difference if you are trying to fool a few eyes in relation to your size.

For example, let’s hone in on bras. A lot of women around the world actually wear the wrong size, which for a start can impact their health. However, it’s also something that isn’t going to do any favours from a visual perspective, as an ill-fitting bra isn’t going to either lift or shape your breasts.

Then, let’s turn to panties. Less is most definitely more in this case, and you should be doing everything you can to disguise any lines. If you don’t, your lower shape becomes even more obvious, which isn’t what anyone wants to do.

Throw a jacket over it

Let’s conclude with a small hack that can help you in this department. Sure, it’s not going to work for every situation, but simply throwing a jacket over your jeans is another way to trick eyes and make people think you are thinner than you really are.

This is something that can banish curves and just promote those straight lines that we all crave. Of course, you can get even more creative and combine this tactic with some of the other tips to really enhance the effect you are trying to achieve.

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