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Benefits Of Living In Tiny Homes

Tiny homes have begun to take over the world. More and more families are abandoning the concept of an open planned spacious home for more compact dwellings. Complete tiny home communities have become normalized in certain areas leading more people to discover the draw to the tiny living concept. Tiny home living is here to stay and for those that embrace this opportunity to live in a smaller space, there are many benefits to behold.

Financial Freedom Opportunities

Finding true financial freedom is becoming increasingly difficult. Debts continue to mount leaving the average person with little opportunity to get out of the confines of their debt-driven existence. Among the largest expenses is the purchase of a new home. Homes these days cost a staggering amount and in some areas of the world, you have to be a millionaire just to afford the mortgage payment.

This is where tiny homes shine. Where your average home purchase, depending on your chosen part of the country, can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars, the cost of building or purchasing your own tiny home, costs on average $23,000. Owning a tiny home can, potentially, free up your finances and allow you to live the life you have always dreamed of.

Easy to Move

Although not all tiny homes are built on wheels, their basic compact structure allows them to be easily moved from one location to another. This is a concept that can seem foreign to the average large homeowner, but the thought of never being tied to a specific place is a significant benefit to a tiny homeowner.

Endless Customization Options

Purchasing a custom-built home of having one built to your specifications is certainly going to add to the bottom line of your property. Custom cabinets, countertops, and built-ins are what sells the average home and substantially brings up the value but having it all will come with a large price tag. Tiny homes mean tiny spaces and that also requires far less material used when compared to a traditional home. Tiny homes can be completely customized with speciality items and fixtures on a small scale, drastically cutting the overall expenses to the homeowner.

Creativity at Its Best

If you are a naturally creative person, the tiny home concept can seem very attractive. Building your own tiny home offers creative freedoms that cannot be found in everyday foundation based homes. The tiny home builder must be able to use every nook and cranny of their space for available storage and that takes a lot of creativity. Storage options under the bed, throughout the ceiling, and multi-functional storage options are common attributes of quality built tiny home.

Energy Efficiency

Energy costs are on the rise. It seems as though each year that passes, we pay more to turn on our lights and heat and cool our homes. The costs can be hundreds of dollars each month for the average homeowner. Tiny homes cut those costs down considerably. When you live in a tiny home, you only heat and cool that small space and lighting, especially for those that invest in natural lighting concepts, is almost free. If you are among the growing number of people looking to make a more positive impact on the world by reducing your carbon footprint on it, tiny homes are ideal.

Less Time Cleaning

Cleaning a full-scale home can take hours. Picking up after the family can feel like an endless battle. There is always something to clean in a standard home, but in a tiny home, things are very different. When you live in a tiny home, you are forced to clean up after yourself and maintain order. Everything in a tiny home has its place and to neglect to put things away properly means you have less living space to enjoy. Plus, the lack of space means you will spend far less time dusting, sweeping, and mopping your tiny space.

The tiny home concept is not set to go anywhere. It has actually gained more steam as time goes on and people look for alternatives to the standard home and land concept. Tiny homes offer a lot of benefits that standard homes simply cannot offer. Can you take your standard home with you when you want to tour the country or move to another part of town? No. Once you purchase your standard home, you will have to reside there and maintain that house until you can manage to purchase another home, sell the current one, and move.

Even though the tiny home concept seems foreign to some people, it is not completely out of the ordinary. Those that have embraced the tiny living mindset have been able to enjoy the ability to live in their home, sometimes debt-free, without the confines that your typical home can bring. It is not for everyone, but for some, it is the only way to live.

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