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Social Trading – Different Types & Styles

Social trading allows you to expand your horizons in the field of trading. Social trading can work on many different levels for a trader, and you can make great use of it, once you understand its workings. The design of social trading allows different traders from all across the world to experience each other’s trading activity. It opens access to the knowledge of all traders from different parts of the world.

Once you are open to all the important information such as trading volume, profits and losses, and deals, the current state of the market becomes more evident. This helps you make better decisions in regards to profits, losses, and when to enter or exit a trade.

Social Trading Benefits

How can you use this tool? Well, you can compare your decisions to your fellow traders, and this will give you a more in-depth idea of the market before you can enter your trade. The overall trading volume access when social trading is another thing that is key when social trading.

The volume refers to the overall buying and selling of a particular trade. If the buy volume is high, this means that the majority of the traders are buying that particular trade. On the other hand, if the sell volume is high, this is indicative that most traders are selling, and the value of a particular sale is bound to drop.

Different Types of Forex Trading Styles

Different traders resort to different trading approaches when it comes to Forex trading. Each type and styles present their risks, rewards, and technicalities. They also apply to different traders at different skill levels.


Scalping is a style in which the traders use a minor frame to place a trade and profit from very small and minimal price action. Day trading is another trading style in which traders look to trade every day, and they look to enter and exit the market regularly and in between the 24 hours.

The traders in this style will often find traders using 30 minutes to a 4-hour timeframe to open a position and profit from medium price actions that happen throughout the day. Alternatively, swing trading is when a trader opens a position and holds the position for days, weeks, or months until the price reaches its expected targets.

Swing trading can also be interchangeable with position trading. These are all the different swing trading options or strategies and none is better than the other. Each of the trading techniques suits different types of people. For someone who is great at reading the chart and has the time to spend looking at it, scalping is a great technique.

On the other hand, for someone that does not have much time on their hands, they can resort to position trading style and hold a position until it reaches its maximum potential and sells the profits. Swing trading and position trading are less time-consuming and thus, suit individuals that have either a part-time or a full-time job.

Which Trading Style is Best for You?

Every human is different, each has its own set of skills, capabilities, and needs. Scalping, for example, is such a trading strategy that requires stressful trades and great control over emotions. This aggressive tactic of making a profit does not suit someone that does not perform well under pressure.

This means that you should self-assess before you pick on a trading strategy. You should ask yourself certain questions before you enter the market. The biggest of the question is whether you are trading for short-term or long-term profits.

This question can single-handedly determine which trading strategy will work best for you. If you are short-term oriented, then scalping and day trading can fulfill your need if you play your cards right. On the other hand, if you are looking to make long-term profits, then you can benefit more from position trading and swing trading.

You will also have to look at how much time you have on your hands, and how much you are willing to spend on trading. Along with that, you will also have to honestly assess your level of knowledge on fundamental and technical aspects of the Forex market.

To Conclude

Social trading, along with the multiple techniques, helps thousands of traders profit daily. Once you figure out what works for you, you can build the insights and gain knowledge to switch between different techniques.

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