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Planning A Trip? Prepare For The Unexpected

You’ve packed your bags, and you’re ready to go! But before you head out the door for your next adventure, stop and consider if you’ve truly prepared for anything your journey may throw at you. Here are a few essential action items to prevent frustration during your trip, so you can fully enjoy the ride.

Get Your Car Checked

Has your “check engine” light been on for a while, and you’re not sure why? Now is the time to get it checked. Before you pack everything into your car for a long road trip, you need to ensure your vehicle is up for the task. Getting your oil changed, tire pressure checked, fluids topped off, and performing a simple auto check-up before you hit the road can prevent stress and setbacks during your travels.

It’s also wise to get some recommendations or do a quick search for legal representation in the places you’ll be traveling. You may know the best car accident attorney West Palm Beach has to offer, but that won’t do much good if you get rear-ended while driving through Colorado. If you have a few phone numbers handy, you’ll be able to navigate whatever may come your way while on a long road trip.

Consider Special Travel Insurance

Are you leaving the country? There’s a good chance your health insurance won’t follow you.

While some insurance companies offer protection for those traveling abroad, it’s not a given. Call your insurance provider to ask if they offer overseas coverage.

If not, research travel coverage for the destinations you have planned. You’ll have peace of mind that your health will be in safe hands, no matter what happens.

Give Yourself Extra Time

With current labor shortages, thousands of flights across the globe are being canceled or delayed. Factor this into your itinerary as a likely circumstance.

When requesting time off work, give yourself an extra day or so at the end of your trip in case your return flight is delayed. Also, choosing flights and train travel with more extended layover periods is wise. Sitting in airport chairs for a few extra hours may sound like a drag, but you’ll be thankful for the extra time if your plane is running behind schedule.

Call Your Banks

With identity theft laws in all 50 states, you can rest assured that credit card theft and fraud are serious offenses. If you do experience credit card theft while traveling, your bank is obligated to investigate and refund most, if not all, of your money.

But theft isn’t the only banking issue you may experience while traveling. Many banks will put sudden holds on your debit or credit cards used in another state or country as a fraud prevention measure. For this reason, it’s always wise to notify your bank where and when you’ll be traveling before you take off.

Let The Adventures Begin!

With knowledge, travel protections, and foresight at your side, you’re ready to hit the road. Enjoy the adventure!

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