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Moving To Singapore? Here Is a Checklist To Help You Out

Singapore is one of the wealthiest nations on the planet and attracts people from all over the world. From those looking to work in business, teach at international schools or find a career in the financial sector, this is the country of choice for thousands of ex-pats. If you have plans to pack up and find a new life in Singapore, we have a checklist which you should keep an eye on in order to make sure that you have everything ready.

Financial Planning

Even before you leave it is worth getting your financial affairs in order, and you can do most of this from your home in the US. You can in fact set up a bank account in Singapore using your US address, which you can then change once you know where you will be living once you get there. Additionally be sure that you have options for international money transfer, so that you can send money back to the US for anything that you need to.

Sort Shipping

The earlier that you find shipping options for your belongings the better. There will be some companies which offer to pay for this on your behalf, depending on the job you are going for. If this isn’t the case however then start looking for quotes as soon as possible to minimize any delays.

Living and Schools

It is also a good idea to start looking for your new exactly you plan home as early as possible, even if this is just about getting an idea as to which region you will be staying in. This will also help you to kickstart the school enrollment process  for your children, which could be much lengthier than you may be aware of.

Finding Best Insurance Options

Not only will you need to have insurance for the goods which you plan to ship over to Singapore, you will also need to ensure that you have health insurance for when you arrive. Even if you need to get travel insurance which will bridge the gap during your first few weeks, it is critical that you do not arrive uninsured. Healthcare costs can spiral quickly which would be a terrible way to start your new life in Singapore should you get involved in an accident.


Your new employer will be able to help you with the documentation which you need for your arrival and that of your family. With this being said, however, it will be your responsibility that you have the necessary paperwork in hand upon arrival and that you have filled out any forms which you need to before you leave the US.

The earlier that you begin your preparation the less chance you have of forgetting something. Not only this but through early planning, you can really help to remove the stress of this enormous life event, and actually try to enjoy the transition between this country and the next.

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