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Is Traveling Worth It?

Travelling seems to be a huge expense for me and others of my age. It seems to be a huge difference between saving money and living paycheck to paycheck. Flights, road trips, Airbnb’s, events no matter where you are travelling to manage your budget is always a pretty hard thing to do.

It’s a personal decision, I suppose, but I wanted to hear from people who did a lot of it. It seems almost difficult to travel and save money unless you make a lot of money and live reasonably cheap otherwise.

There are a lot of factors at which when you look at you’ll understand what makes travelling worth it and why it is important. One of the most important factors to make travelling worth is getting to know the process to book cheap flights. This article can help you decide under what conditions or how to see from a perspective if travelling is worth it and if it’s necessary or not.

Common Travel Deals That aren’t Worth It

Sometimes we end up making decisions that don’t make any difference. This is what I have listed below, things listed below are obviously on every traveller’s mind but they don’t make a big enough difference which can cause any issues but will only cost you more

  • Flight Upgrades
  • Travel Insurance
  • Basic WIFI
  • Free/Affordable Companion Fares

Is travelling a waste of money?

A majority of the global population thinks that travel is a waste of money. To be honest, I never thought anyone thought that way until someone on a Facebook page mentioned it had always been her belief. Fortunately, she went on to say that our travel experiences and excitement had played a huge part in opening her eyes, and she didn’t think travel was a waste of money anymore.

Some would argue that spending resources on non-essentials is a waste of money. My bottle of wine, the one I’m enjoying right now, would also count as waste. I don’t think so, I’m getting a lot of fun out of it, it may not have any nutritional value, and it may speed me up to my death bed, but it’s all fine today.

Is it a waste of money for something bought that turned out to be substandard or disappointing? And if we’re not satisfied with our dollar, is it such a waste? We learn from our mistakes, and the worst disasters also make the best stories, so maybe not absolute waste.

Is it worth spending money on travel?

Again, depending on the reason and how you plan it, spending money on travelling or for any reason could be worth it or not.

I have formulated 4 different points for your understanding that can explain to some extent is it worth it or not to spend your hard-earned money to travel.

1. It Is the Only Thing You Can Buy That Makes You Richer

It has been statistically demonstrated that people who spend their money on an experience rather than on objects are exponentially happier. Experiences generate memories that last a lifetime, even a long time after they have passed away.

Experiences build long-lasting relationships and connections and encourage internal reflection and realization.

Travel is truly the only thing you can buy that makes you fuller in experience, friends, understanding, wisdom, memories, and richer in love with this beautiful world in which we live. Travel is not a waste of money for short-lived purposes; it is an investment in your future and, most importantly, in your present.

2. It Is Your Most Valuable Education

Travel and yoga have been my two biggest mentors in this life. One has shown me the way around the world. The other has taught me a lot about myself. Travel enlightens you on everything you were previously unaware of in this universe, History, culture, religions, architecture, literature, cuisine, and people.

You discover what brings us together as people and what divides us as “enemies.” You learn to confront your fears and overcome them with compassion and affection.

You hear about all of the tragic historical events that were never discussed in history textbooks, as well as all of the beautiful souls that live all over the world.

You learn how to take care of yourself and handle your finances. You discover so much about yourself as an individual, as a member of the human race, and as a sentient being in this magnificent world.

3. It forces you to leave your comfort zone

Nothing will force you to evolve more than travel. Travel takes you out of your comfort zone and forces you to consider different living conditions than you are used to. Often you have to sleep in an uncomfortable bed, simply avoid your favourite meal, attempt to speak a foreign language in public, or put your faith in a stranger.

Travel shows you that there is so much more to life than your cosy bubble. Outside of your umbrella of comfort, there is so much growth waiting for you if you just dare to approach it.

4. All can be put into perspective because of it

I’ve seen hungry children and extreme desperation. Nothing has taught me more humility and appreciation for the extraordinarily lucky life I lead than travel.

I’ve seen hungry children and extreme desperation. Nothing has taught me more humility and appreciation for the extraordinarily lucky life I lead than travel.

Looking at all these aspects we understand that when we travel we might spend some money and give it some time out of our busy schedule but in the end, it will all be worth more than the pennies you spent and the time you have taken out.

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