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5 Smart Tips When Shopping For Your Ideal Bedsheets

Bedsheets are an important investment in your life. You will be spending a substantial amount of your life in them so why not make them awesome? It is important to invest in quality linens that not only feels great when you are nicely snuggled in but also will last. Here’s what you need to know as you sort through the different bedsheet sets options.

1. Check Out The Fibre Content First

100% cotton is often our first recommendation as it is comfortable and does not break the bank. If you have the means to go higher, you can explore Extra-Long Staple (ELS) cotton such as Egyptian or Pima which are softer and more durable. When going for these premium options, you need to keep your eyes open, there have been cases where cotton are sold off as Egyptian. Alternatively, there is also the cotton/polyester blends. Though the fabric may give a somewhat synthetic feel, the polyester helps to keep the price low, makes it more durable and less prone to wrinkling.

2. Thread Count Is Just A Number

Manufacturing techniques have made it possible for high thread counts to happen without a corresponding improvement in quality. 300 to 500 is usually the sweet spot for softness and strength. The cheaper 200-thread-count sheets may not be as comfy and anything over 500 does not always promise better. The best is to feel it for yourself.

3. Understand Weaves Differences

For normal home-makers, your primary options will be percale or sateen. Percale is a basic, grid-like weave that feels light and crisp. Sateen, on the other hand is a satin weave and feels silky smooth. Although this is subjected to personal preference, many tend to prefer sateen.

4. Don’t Assume The Fit

Standard sizes like queen or king often do not take mattress depth into consideration. So your mattress has a substantial height or you are using a mattress topper, make sure to measure before making the purchase. You should also account for some shrinkage after laundering.

5. Check Return Policy

While you may love the sheets at first touch, sentiments may change after you sleep in them for a few days. Some brands offer returns for good reason, even up to a few months after your purchase. You should check in with oak and sand before making your purchase.

We hope the tips above will set the basic understanding for your to choose your ideal bedsheets. Have fun and take your time to feel each and every option.

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