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5 Things To Remember As A First Time Parent

Every new phase in life can be exciting and terrifying in equal parts. For new parents, this scale can often be tipped towards the scary side. The responsibility of a new life to protect from all harm and danger, and of shaping them to be kind and confident individuals can be intimidating for any parent, but especially a first-timer. Parenting is a lifetime condition that many people have tons of different opinions on, which means there is plenty of advice for new, first-time parents.


Give yourself some peace of mind with these excellent tips for parents, nurture the importance of family love in your children, or understand how to have conversations with your children about your life and current events.

For more advice on parenting, whether you have one child or a bigger family, visit BetterHelp.


For first-time parents, feeding can be the most stressful part of taking care of a new child. It can take a while to understand your baby’s feeding patterns and develop your routines accordingly. This process also depends on your baby’s preferences and behaviours.

For the first many months, it is essential to stick to breastfeeding or formula, in consultation with your physician.

To understand your baby’s feeding patterns, focus on cues such as sucking on fingers or fists, fussing, certain cries, or the continuous movement of their fists towards their mouth.

Paying attention to such cues will enable you to adapt to their behaviours quickly since babies need to be fed 8 to 12 times a day. Also, remember to push your baby to burp regularly.


Sleep is another important factor that entirely alters the lives of new parents. Thankfully, there are some helpful tips you can adopt to ensure that you and your baby are getting the necessary amounts of quality sleep.

Try your best to follow a consistent routine for your baby’s sleep schedule and avoid overstimulation a couple of hours before bedtime. Use softer, dimmer lights, and calming scents and sounds to encourage relaxation. You can recreate your baby’s comfort zone by swaddling them. Caden Lane or any other related specialists carry some useful garments that are worth looking into.

Another important tip is to place your baby on the bed as soon as they start to get drowsy. This can help them associate their crib with sleeping, which will help to improve their sleeping patterns. Such early action can also prevent them from getting overtired, which forces more fussy behaviours.

Physical Development 

Babies tend to get sick pretty easily, which is a known cause of distress for first-time parents. Apart from ensuring a clean environment, sanitizing hands before touching the baby, and disinfecting clothes, there are some other things you can do as well.

Daily massages, for example, can stimulate healthy circulation in the baby’s body, particularly the limbs.

While the baby is awake, encourage them to lie on their stomachs, but only under strict adult supervision. This can help strengthen their necks and shoulders. When the baby is asleep, however, never let them sleep on their stomach, as this may have dangerous consequences. Always help them sleep on their backs, or consult your doctor or pediatrician if you need customized instructions for how best to get your baby to sleep safely.

Emotional Connection

Babies form strong bonds with their parents, which means a lot of emotional development for babies starts from the very beginning of their days. For first-time parents, it is crucial to take the time to plan activities with their newborn and make fun a part of their parenting process.

Ensure regular skin-to-skin contact with your baby, as this is one of the most primal means of forging connections with other humans. One simple way to establish deeper connections with your baby is to just hold them and cradle them in your arms. This way, babies tend to start remembering your touch, your smell, your warmth, and your voice.

Apart from that, bond with your baby through music, which is a practice that is great both for you and for the baby.

Seek Help

The most important tip of all, however, is to remember you never have to go through it all alone, and there are people who can always help.

Seek advice from experienced parents, maybe your own parents or others in your family, since they’ll have personal knowledge of you and your situation. Doctors and nurses also, of course, have invaluable advice.

Seek help from your family, friends, neighbours, and anybody else in your community. When you are only trying to do what’s best for your child, there is no shame in reaching out to as many people as required.


As mentioned before, parenting can be a scary affair, but it certainly has its perks.

Safety and health information is incredibly important, but try to also appreciate and savor these moments with your baby that you will remember forever. These are the most precious days of your lives, even if it is all passing by in a sleep-induced haze. Remember to be kind to yourself, because you are doing your best!


Marie Miguel Biography

Marie Miguel has been a writing and research expert for nearly a decade, covering a variety of health- related topics. Currently, she is contributing to the expansion and growth of a free online mental health resource with With an interest and dedication to addressing stigmas associated with mental health, she continues to specifically target subjects related to anxiety and depression.

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