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Feng Shui For Harmony And Peace In Your Interior Design

Feng Shui is Chinese teaching with a history of more than two thousand years. It studies the existing energy flows of living and inanimate nature. Earth energy is changing everything around. It allows you to create harmonious and inharmonious structures in time and space. That is why, by changing the places of life, rearranging the house or apartment, correctly determining where to hang pictures and mirrors, put plants and a mini fountain, we change, remake inharmonious energy flows into harmonious ones.

One of the simple rules for correcting Feng Shui is the absence of negative activity. Ancient science is still relevant today. More and more people follow the traditions of the old teachings. This Chinese approach will help you change your destiny for the better, find harmony in love, and achieve certain success in your career. Studying the philosophy of Feng Shui, it becomes clear how many factors influence our life.

Feng Shui and your energy level

We spend half of our lives in an apartment and cannot ignore the facts on which the peace of our home depends. The reasons are different: the location of the house, in what area it was built, which houses are nearby, windows to the north or south. Even what plants and animals live in your home. So, for example, plants with pointed leaves should not be placed near the bed, aggressive energy will interfere with your rest. Treat diseased plants as they generate bad energy that is not needed in the home. Poisonous plants cannot be kept in an apartment at all. Ideally, everything should be in balance.

Problems begin when the energies of different elements are in imbalance with each other, or even absent altogether. Because of this, all sorts of troubles arise, quarrels in the family, loss of finances, illness. It is worth paying special attention to the problem area, because the best way to get rid of problems is to prevent their appearance.

Don’t clutter your space

Broken, chipped, old things bring negativity into the house. Be sure to do an audit even in the most remote corners of cabinets. Inspect cellars, they symbolize your past; blockages in the attic interfere with your bright future. A lot of unnecessary things in the closet are unresolved problems that are postponed for unknown reasons. Old, dusty books discourage new ideas – donate them to the library, for the joy of other people. Throw away, do not regret, do not leave things “just in case.”

Non-working electrical appliances become “vampires,” taking away the positive energy of the room and amplifying the negative. It clogs up not only physically, but also at the energy level. This stuff prevents positive energy from circulating freely in the home. A Chinese proverb says, “The new will not come until the old is gone.” Broken windows must be urgently replaced and under no circumstances should they be sealed with tape or adhesive plaster! The windows are the “eyes” of the house, they must be safe and sound. It is very important!

How to create flow and positive energy in your home

Clean your home regularly. By doing this, you cleanse your home not only physically from dirt, but also energetically. Review cabinets and take the items you don’t wear to the Red Cross. Thus, you will do two useful things at once: free up your space and help those in need. After cleaning, there is always fresh and clean air, you can breathe easily and freely. Positive energy penetrates all corners of the house, filling with positive.

The Five Elements of Feng Shui

The balance of the five elements (Fire, Metal, Water, Earth and Wood), the qualities of their elements, what they embody is very important. After learning to understand the elements, you should apply them in practice. Without this, you cannot create the right interior in the house. Each element is characterized and stimulated in its own way. For example, the north is water, by painting it blue, hanging a mirror or decorating it with a glass vase, we thereby stimulate the element of water. The movement of energy occurs clockwise, where the previous element gives birth and energy support to the next. Moreover, everything is in harmony with the environment.

Feng Shui: organization of space

The meaning of Feng Shui is to charge positive energy for you and the room where you are. Positive energy will help relieve stress and relax, improve the working atmosphere and human relationships. Water is a symbol of wealth. Place a small fountain or aquarium, a glass bowl of water and flower petals, or just a vase with colourful glass stones. And then financial success is guaranteed to you. But just arranging accessories is not enough. You must believe in what you are doing, believe in yourself, live by following the laws – cause and effect, do not wish harm to others, do good, and it will return to you 

By hanging pictures of flowing water or portraits of people with a smile, you stimulate positive feelings and promote good luck. Landscapes with mountains, ocean or sunrise symbolize hope. By applying Feng Shui harmony in your home, you will create a peaceful, cosy atmosphere for your family. 

Using Feng Shui colours to balance your home

Each colour has its own meaning. When applying a tone, you should remember what kind of energy this colour carries, and is it needed in your home, maybe you need to choose another, more necessary one? Even the colour of indoor plants is important: blue stimulates intelligence, orange stimulates sexual activity, pink enhances emotions, red flowers will bring a new strong impetus to personal relationships with a partner, white flowers will help maintain a spiritual connection, you need to be extremely careful with yellow flowers – they cause jealousy. As for the colour in the interior, here you also need to know the rules of application. Before renovating, you should think carefully about what kind of energy is lacking or in excess in your home.

What colour do you like best, and what colour do you agree to allow into your interior? Red, orange, pink, yellow colours refer to the element of Fire. They stimulate career growth, sexual desires. Light yellow – the colour of the Earth, helps stability in the house. Elements of Water belong to blue, black colours, bring energy, stimulate intelligence. Silver, white belong to the element of Metal, bring optimization and success in business, kindness and trust in people, and you can find excellent furniture items in this colour at

The energy of the Tree brings health, vitality, symbolizes peace and tranquillity – these are green and brown colours. Don’t be afraid to bring vibrant colours into your space, as they are our main nutrient. When the energies of all five elements are balanced in your house – order in things, no broken products, the right indoor plants, cleanliness and order – long-awaited changes for the better will come in your life, the doors to a happy and harmonious future will open. Perhaps you will find mutual understanding in the family, improve your health.

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