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How To Improve Your Moods When You Are Feeling Low

Did you know that your body has an in-built medicine for feeling good? There are different reasons why you would be feeling low. Life always has its ups and downs. Most people have been through a lot in the previous year and this year. So we understand if sometimes you would feel so low. The medicine in your system that can make you feel good is known as endorphins. These chemicals produced in your brain play a crucial role in boosting feel-good emotions and getting rid of the bad ones. And the best part is there are different ways to activate these feel-good hormones with simple activities. If you are feeling low and looking for some ideas on boosting your feel-good vibes, read on for some great tips.


Aromatherapy uses scents from essential oils to feel good. Wellness centres have used aromatherapy for years worldwide to promote calmness.

Not all plant essential oils have mood-boosting benefits the ones we are talking about are lavender, jasmine, rose, and vanilla, to mention a few. Breathing in these scents can reduce anxiety,  improve your moods, improve sleep and the quality of life.

Vanilla is an excellent remedy that has been used for centuries to alleviate nausea and headaches. Today it’s used to reduce stress and anxiety. Lavender is often used in meditation sessions and has a harmonizing and cooling effect that lifts your mood and reduces insomnia.

Jasmine is used in massages because it’s excellent for reducing muscle tension and restoring energy. And lastly, rose oil is great for alleviating anxiety and depression symptoms.

Book yourself a spa day and get a massage with essential oils to boost your moods, or better still, light some scented candles in your bathroom and soak yourself in the bath. Add some drops of lavender or jasmine to your bathwater. Put on some relaxing music and soak. You will come out feeling relaxed and feeling much better.

Alternatively, you can also invest in an essential oil diffuser or apply the scents on your wrists or temples and take the scent with you all day long.

Take a trip out in nature

Being out in nature can do wonders for your moods and overall mental health. Being out and exposed to the sound of nature has been shown to decrease cortisol levels linked to negative emotions.

So grab your bag from and pack a few essentials and take your weekend out in nature. A few hours out with nature in a park can improve your moods drastically, and you will be back feeling good as new.

Buy some chocolate

Have you ever felt down and just had a craving for chocolate? Well, there is a reason why.  Cacao is rich in stimulating ingredients such as phenethylamine, which boosts endorphins, and theobromine, which is known to suppress pain. When you eat chocolate, it stimulates that feel-good feeling in your body, lifting your moods instantly.

Chocolate also has other benefits in your body. Dark chocolate especially helps protect against heart disease and stroke because it’s rich in flavanols, potent antioxidants that reduce blood pressure and inflammation. Studies show that eating chocolate in moderation can lower cardiovascular diseases by 39%.

Have some wine

Research has proven that alcohol can make you happy that’s where the term happy hour came from. While we don’t mean drink till you drop, drinking a glass of wine can have an instant mood effect. Alcohol is connected to releasing endorphins, specifically dopamine, which gives pleasure and euphoria the same effects when you take antidepressants.

Don’t go for the hard stuff though, beer and red wine are most likely to relax you more, while the hard stuff is mainly linked to emotional mood swings.

Try laughing

Laughing is another great way to lift your mood when feeling low. Laughing exercises your diaphragm, abdomen, and even your heart. While producing similar health benefits such as reducing cortisol, the stress hormone, aids in muscle relaxation and blood pressure.

Just the act of laughing produces some domino effect in your body, and you instantly feel good; your body releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones. Laughing also tends to take the focus away from any negative thinking.

Finding pleasure and honour in life can mean all the difference in your quality of life. Watch a funny movie or turn on comedy central and laugh all those negative feelings away.

Get some TLC (Tender Loving Care)

One of the most irresistible pleasures of life lies in the power of touch. Be it holding hands, a hug, cuddling on the couch, or love-making touching and being touched by someone else you care for can do wonders for your mental health and your mood.

If you have a loved one in a committed relationship, take that opportunity to enjoy intimacy. The brain releases many good hormones like dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin during intimacy. Together these hormones will alleviate stress and anxiety and make you feel much better.


There is a high that people feel after a good workout. Not only is exercise good for your physical body, but it is also great for your mind. Research shows that exercises specifically focused on cardio like aerobic exercises, cycling, running, or swimming can have the same effect as taking antidepressants.

Cardio activities help release mood-boosting endorphins while burning calories. Exercise over time can change the structure of your brain that controls cognition and mood.

All the above tips are easy to do in the comfort of your home but don’t dwell on one activity to improve your mood. Try experimenting with different activities because too much of one thing will create boredom. If you are trying out different things, for example, chocolate, don’t go too hard. Alcohol may just take a glass of wine every day, not the hard stuff, and finally take it slow. Be optimistic; times are crazy but view everything from a positive angle.

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