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DIY Facelifts You Should Avoid

You may have seen products like the “Facial Tingler” or “Selfie Stick” on TV or online. This article is about at-home cosmetic products that don’t work! We’ll be looking at some of the most popular facelift DIYs and what you can expect when using them.

Shortcomings of a DIY facelift

If you’re looking to tighten your skin or get rid of wrinkles quickly, you may be tempted by the idea of an at-home facelift. Drawbacks of a DIY facelift include lack of professional equipment and training, leading to dangerous consequences like burns, scars, reduced muscle control, etc. Furthermore, no medical help will be available if something goes wrong. You should never put yourself in danger just for beauty reasons!

DIY facelifts that do not work

Eggwhites for pore tightening

Using egg whites can cause your pores to become clogged, leading to more problems than before. Furthermore, it’s challenging to get the eggs clean enough for this method without residue remaining on the skin. If you’re trying out new cosmetics anyway (especially at home), make sure that you do not use anything containing oils or fragrances, which will only exacerbate the problem! You should also avoid ingesting any products with raw eggs because there is always a risk of salmonella poisoning when doing so.

Lemon or Lime juice for acne scar or hyperpigmentation

Lemon juice is nasty for those who have sensitive skin as it can be very irritating. If your skin isn’t too delicate, you should still be careful because lemon juice often leads to further outbreaks and clogged pores which will only make acne worse! This method also causes more hyperpigmentation problems than before because lemon juice contains Alpha-Hydroxy Acid (AHA), which speeds up cell turnover rates on top of increasing melanin production. You’ll need something specially formulated by dermatologists or other specialists if you want to use products with AHA’s in them – don’t try this at home unless necessary!

Using toothpaste for exfoliation

Using toothpaste for exfoliation is equal to scrubbing your face with sandpaper! While this method may make you feel smooth, it also strips away the top layer of skin and can lead to redness or irritation. It’s best to avoid abrasive chemicals like baking soda which will only cause further problems. If you’re looking for a gentle way to get rid of dead cells on your skin (while still getting all the benefits), try out some actual facial scrubs that are made by dermatologists or other medical professionals who know what they’re doing.

Vinegar toner for oily skin

This method is also terrible for those with sensitive skin! Vinegar can easily damage the protective acid mantle on your face, which is needed to hold in moisture. It’s best only to use pH-balanced products, so there isn’t any difference between natural and synthetic ingredients. If you want something more effective than vinegar, try using aloe vera instead – it won’t irritate or dry out your skin like this toner will if applied regularly!

Cinnamon mask for acne

This method is only good if you want to irritate your skin even more! Cinnamon contains cinnamic aldehyde, which can cause additional inflammation on top of the redness and swelling you’re experiencing already. If this mask dries up, it will also make your skin flake off in large chunks, which isn’t ideal for overall appearance.

Breast Milk for anti-ageing

Breast milk contains a lot of hormones and other natural chemicals, which can do more harm than good if applied to the face. The proteins aren’t meant for topical use because they will cause an allergic reaction in some individuals, especially those with sensitive skin! Breastfeeding mothers should also refrain from applying this product since it may transfer these foreign substances into their bodies through their breastmilk supply. Milk is full of beautiful things, but this isn’t one you want to try out unless necessary!

Coconut oil as hair mask or moisturizer

This method seems like a great way to hydrate your hair without any harsh ingredients that could lead to problems down the line, but coconut oil has its issues! It is not meant for use on the face because it contains high amounts of saturated fat, which leads to clogged pores – horrible if you have acne. This method also causes your skin’s natural oil production to increase even more than average, leading to further breakouts!

Prolonged steaming with facial masks

Steaming may sound like an easy way to make yourself look beautiful, but it can do more harm than good in some cases! There are two reasons this isn’t a great idea (unless appropriately done). First, too much moisture can lead to germs and bacteria building up, which will only cause additional problems down the line. Second, steam opens up capillaries near your mouth/nose area that aren’t visible to the naked eye. This can lead to broken capillaries over time which is challenging to get rid of, so it’s best not to steam your face at all unless you have no other choice!

Urine for anti-ageing

Urine is full of beautiful things like vitamins and minerals, but it’s not meant for topical use! It contains urea which can lead to additional breakouts because it strips away the natural oils on your face. This method may also leave you smelling less than pleasant and certainly disgust anyone who gets a whiff of this concoction!

Sore throat lozenges for lip care

This may seem like an easy fix when you have chapped lips, but better options are available, especially if they contain benzocaine + menthol. When applied, these ingredients can be highly irritating to the skin, leading to further problems down the line!

Duct tape for under-eye bags

This method is only good if you want a severe infection on your face! Duct tape isn’t meant for use in any medical capacity because it lacks antibacterial properties, which could lead to an adverse reaction with your skin. Not only that, this product has been known to leave a sticky residue after being removed from the skin. It is not great when trying to prevent wrinkles and fine lines around your eyes!

Avoid these types of home remedies unless necessary – if that’s the case, at least wash off all urine residue with soap before proceeding to any makeup or skincare products.


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