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What You Need To Know About Different Learning Styles

While we all may study the same information, each of us actually learns in a very different way! In fact, some say that there are eight significantly different learning styles that the average person has—and the right one for each person depends on a range of different factors. The key to successful learning is all in figuring out the correct type of learning style for you—and sometimes that can take a while to figure out. To help you on your own learning journey and figure out the learning style techniques you should be trying to implement, here are the key things to know about each of the eight learning styles that could be applicable to you.

1. A visual learner

Those that are visual learners really rely on their sense of sight to absorb information. These types of learners also need to have visual references to connect the dots when trying to process information. Those that tend to be visual learners tend to have a good sense of direction, are able to visualize strategies and results, and have a strong art skill for colouring and drawing. These learners are the ones who would rather direct a movie overwriting the script!

2. A listening learner

Also known as being an aural learner, these types of people rely on their sense of sound to learn. They are often confident speakers themselves and are drawn towards music. These types of learners need to hear things to truly understand it and for that reason like to be vocal during study time. These types of learners tend to connect deeply to songs, like having background noise to study and remember information better when it rhymes.

3. A talking learner

These types of learners are also referred to as verbal learners. They have strong communication skills and are often people who are drawn to skills such as being a public speaker or author. Their connection with language runs deep and tend to need to be in louder environments and often in groups to have successful study time.

4. A physical learner

Also known as a kinesthetic learner, these types of people need to use their sense of touch to absorb information and develop skill sets. They tend to have great attention to detail when it comes to observing things and is those that tend to excel in physical activities and sports. This is because they like to repeat skills multiple times and they are able to see quick improvements from doing so. These types of learners also are the ones who when speaking become very animated with their hands!

5. A logical learner

Those that excel in subjects like engineering, math, and science are often logical learners. This is because they learn better when there is concrete reasoning to problems and are motivated to solve and understand them. These types of learners also tend to be planners and enjoy being organized with their study—such as keeping planners or dedicating specific slots of time to various activities.

6. A social learner

Just as the name sounds, these types of learners need a social environment to flourish. That means that study groups work best for these people and they need the chance to be able to talk through certain problems to truly get a grasp for the information.

7. A solitary learner

Opposite to social learners, these types of people prefer to learn on their own. They tend to be more introverted people who are able to motivate themselves to learn and study.

8. A naturalistic learner

And then we have our learners who need to be outside to really absorb information. They are the types of people that do their best thinking while on hikes and appreciate biology and the environment.

As you can see, there is a whole range of learners. Which one do you think you are?

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