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Looking To Get Rid Of Cheek Fat? Here’s How You Should Go About It

Given how your face is the first part of your body that people see, you are probably going to need to take extra care of your face. People tend to get a tad self-conscious of their face and rightly so. Fat gets deposited in the different parts of the body, and at times, excess fat is stored in your face. This is also known as cheek fat.

While there are no real negative health consequences to having some unwanted cheek fat, you may want to get rid of it since it is not exactly desirable. Keep in mind that your face shape changes as per how your body looks. However, there are some exercises you can practice to reduce your cheek fat. You must burn your overall body fat to reduce cheek fat, which is not an easy thing to carry out. You will have to make major lifestyle changes, put in some work, and be disciplined. Here are a few things you can do:

Eating Healthy

Never underestimate the value of excellent dietary habits. Following a balanced and healthy diet chart and a set routine is vital if you want to lose overall body fat. Bodily functions like digestion take more or less time depending on the kind of food you eat and the time you eat it, which is why eating at a set time every day can do wonders.

Hydrate yourself

When your body is short on fluids, your body’s go-to defence mechanism is water retention. Water retention can cause your face to look puffy. You can avoid this by increasing your daily water intake and electrolytes. Doing so can help bring balance in the salt levels in your body and help get rid of excess water.

If the sodium levels in your body are much higher than your potassium levels, you can expect your body to retain water. To prevent this, you can consume foods that are rich in potassium, such as fruits and vegetables. Be sure to check with your local doctor to figure out the cause of water retention in your body before you medicate yourself.

Start Exercising

There isn’t a better way to lose body and cheek fat than a cardio workout. A cardio workout can improve your balance, help build your lung capacity, strengthen your joints, and a lot more. Better blood circulation translates to reduced or no puffiness and a reduction in dark circles. Also, you will end up losing some cheek fat since cardio workouts result in an overall loss of fat.

Start practising Yoga

People all over the world are turning to Yoga to lose body fat. While it has been around for centuries, particularly in the Eastern world, it is popular in all corners of the world today. Yoga boasts a multitude of benefits for mental and physical health.

Yoga comprises a variety of poses that are designed to stretch and tone different parts of your body and help you lose fat. As you practice yoga regularly, you can expect to shed some body and cheek fat.

Simha Mudra (Lion Pose)

Certain specific Yoga exercises are designed to tone your facial muscles like the Simha Mudra or Lion Pose. This pose is fairly easy to practice. You will have to sit straight with your chest open and push your palms into your knees.

After you assume this position, you will have to stick your tongue out towards your chin as far as you can. As you do this, you need to exhale and make an ‘AH’ sound. Be sure to keep your tongue extended. Then you can return to your original facial position as you inhale. Make sure you do this anywhere between five and ten times a day to lose some cheek fat.

Jalandhara Bandha (Chin Lock)

The Chin lock pose is the ideal yoga pose to tone your neck muscles and jawline. Begin by sitting down in the lotus position. Once you do this, place your hands on your knees and take a deep breath as you straighten your shoulders. Then bend forward and slightly tuck your chin towards your chest between your collar bones. Maintain your position as long as you can until you run out of breath. Then, take a deep breath and gradually straighten your neck and go back to the original position.

Jivha Bandha (Locked Tongue Pose)

The Jivha Bandha pose is perfect if you want to burn cheek fat and get a slim face like you’ve always wanted. First, you will have to sit down and push your tongue against the top of your mouth (also known as your pallet). Continue to do so until you feel a stretch in your neck. Repeat this process a few times every day.

While dealing with cheek fat isn’t a problem that most people face, you want to make sure you avoid this because it is unpleasant. However, if you find yourself with a double chin or more facial fat than you would have liked, be sure to follow all the tips mentioned in this article. These tips also work well for people who aren’t in this situation and want to keep it that way.

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