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What Are NFTs? TOP 5 Brightest NFT Projects

In an increasingly digitalized world and forex Metatrader 5, NFTs are the latest crypto assets to be all the rage these days. Highlighted by several record sales at the start of the year, this new form of technology—NFT technology—is now in the spotlight. Behind this term hides a feature that can bring thousands, even millions of dollars to some artists, and has been for some time now. See how to buy NFT, which NFT token is the most expensive, and where to buy NFT (that is which NFT market is better to pick up)! You will be amazed when you ferret out how to find NFT!

What Is NFT?

NFT is the abbreviation of the term “Non-Fungible Token”. A token is a digital asset issued by a blockchain. In the same category, we find Bitcoins or XRP.

Created on a smart contract platform, Ethereum, crypto NFT are however very different from other cryptocurrencies. Indeed, non-fungible means that each unit (token) is unique, and cannot be reproduced. Unlike Bitcoins which are fungible, these particular units of currency are equal and identical. They can look like real money.

Coming back to NFTs, this so-called “non-fungible” property can be used for many things. But what literally sparks the craze behind these tokens is digital art and collectables.

How Do NFTs Work?

NFTs mostly depend on the platform where they are created. In this case, we are going to focus on Ethereum, which has the most of these crypto arts.

As we are talking about “ownership” here, no authority, no one can cancel your ownership of an NFT or recreate one exactly the same.

In addition, they are also “permissionless”, meaning that anyone can create, buy or sell them without any authorization. However, the unique report remains, even if anyone can view it.

Alternatively, an NFT can be compared to a one-of-a-kind trading card, displayed in an open display case for everyone to admire. The only specificity is that it belongs to one and only one person at a given time.

In practice, it can be represented through a digital work of art, an image. In itself, it is the very existence as a digital object in the blockchain that makes an NFT unique.

Ethereum is the ideal cryptocurrency for transacting on the NFT market. However, other cryptos can be used to buy one, depending on the platform chosen. Payment is usually made in Ethereum, but also in other cryptocurrencies where the token is registered.

TOP 5 Brightest NFT Projects in 2022

# 1 Everyday: The First Five Thousand Days

Author Beeple
Selling price $69.3 million

After quitting his job as a web designer, Beeple challenged himself to draw every day to progress in art and keep track of his progress. 5,000 days later, all his works have been condensed into a single NFT.

Illustrious spearhead of this ranking, the work of the American artist Beeple broke all records.

His work was sold at auction for $69.3 million, hoisting the artist on the podium of the most expensive artists on the planet, after David Hockney and Jeff Koons. Just that.

# 2 CryptoPunk #7523

Author Matt Hall and John Watkinson
Selling price $11.8 million

You may have come across their names before. Matt Hall and John Watkinson are among the pioneers of the NFT frenzy, with their famous CryptoPunks. These pixel art portraits of aliens, there are nearly 10,000 of them and they are selling like hotcakes on the blockchain.

Here, CryptoPunk #7523 stood out thanks to its pale complexion and its surgical mask, recalling the health news at the time of its auction. $11.8 million later for a single piece, so it was down to a mask.

# 3 World Wide Web Source Code

Author Tim Berners-Lee
Selling price $5.43 million

This time, it is in the bowels of the Internet that we must dig. Author of this NFT, Tim Berners-Lee is not just anyone. In 1990, the source code of the Internet was created by him: WWW, HTTP.

All of this might not have seen the light of day without his work, to which this NFT pays homage, with the evocative name of “This Changes Everything”.

# 4 A Coin for the Free Man

Author XCopy
Selling price $5.3 million

An emblematic figure of CryptoArt, XCopy is a London artist of whom little is known. His works combine a destructive aesthetic worthy of a digital Basquiat, with sorts of bugs or deformations like on a broken down computer.

Since launching, the artist has enjoyed continual success and his NFTs are leaking for millions of dollars.

# 5 Stay Free

Author Edward Snowden
Selling price $5.27 million

What if NFTs became a tool for protest expression? Obviously, this work of the famous whistleblower Edward Snowden has a special significance.

This NFT draws its portrait, discernible between the lines of a text of law that was not chosen at random. Indeed, this text relates a decision of the American Court of Appeal, stipulating that the surveillance of telephone records by the NSA (intelligence service) was illegal.

Original and symbolic, this NFT was sold for $5.27 million dollars and the profits from the transaction were donated to the Freedom of Press Foundation.


The interest in buying NFTs is simply based on the technology with which they are designed. On the one hand, artists create limited editions for their works of art. For their part, consumers seem rather attracted by limited edition objects.

However, anything that is rare has more value according to the law of scarcity. Especially when the object is designed in a single copy. It goes without saying that its price is considerably high.

There are, in addition, these various objects and articles sold in the form of non-fungible tokens. Many are willing to spend a fortune to get them exclusively.

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