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Isabelle Lim Inspires With 1st Solo Exhibition At Enabling Village

Isabelle Lim (22 years old) was born with Nager syndrome, a very rare medical condition that mainly affects the development of the face, arms and hands. The condition has also affected her hearing and speech abilities and hence, she is profoundly deaf. But her medical condition has not deterred her from pursuing her dreams and enjoying […]

Awesome & Heart-Touching Raksha Bandhan Gifts For Your Brother

The very special bond of fights and love, helping and at the same time complaining to parents against each other, Understanding and becoming the support for each other at the time of trouble, a bond that never lets your childish attributes fade away and at the same time help you grow in a very unique […]

The Little Known Super Food – A Recipe For Your Survival

There’s little else as critical for survival as food; and it’s not just about humans either – everything and anything that lives needs some form of nourishment. There are however some foods that reign supreme when it comes to nutrients and health benefits and pemmican is such an example. Introducing the little known super food […]

7 Ways To Mix Business With Leisure in Bangkok, Thailand

A business trip is often synonymous with tight schedules and back-to-back meetings. Frequent business travellers would identify with the amount of energy full-day meetings take. By the end of the day, there is usually nothing more they would like than to unwind with leisure activities in the evening – and getting a chance to explore […]

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