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Content Is Never Enough: Common Promotional Mistakes On Instagram

Have you been using Instagram for years but you still don’t see any progress? Did you try all those tips and tricks you found online to no avail? There are lots of people out there who constantly complain about how their Instagram promotions don’t convert into profit proportional to their number of followers. 

What these people don’t seem to realize is that it is never enough to simply follow the recommendation of those self-acclaimed Instant Famous experts to achieve success with your Instagram promotions. There are also several common mistakes that you need to avoid when promoting using your Instagram account.

Posting Sale-sy Posts All the Time 

Yes, your main goal is to make money but don’t forget that Instagram is not a type of marketplace even if it has some elements of it. People use Instagram for entertainment and community first and to buy services and goods second. If all of your posts are sale-sy, it will scare off prospective customers instead of attracting them.

Buying and Using Bots 

This is probably the first and major mistake when it comes to promotion. The sad is that it continues to be a common issue today. Instagram can distinguish bots from real users with strong sanctions once the fraud is discovered. 

Incomplete Toolbox 

There are now different features in Instagram beyond post creation. You can also use ordinary and sticky stories, polls, and live broadcasts. Your options are almost endless and publishing new stories per hour can generate interest among users. 

Absence of Engagement 

Even if you have the most exciting and interesting content, your number of followers will never change if you forgot about engagement. Engagement is what pushes your account to the top. Users appreciate it if you ask them for their opinions. This is the purpose of poll posts that allow people to speak out their minds and, in turn, can attract more prospective customers. Don’t just start dialogues only to stop halfway and instead, keep the conversation going. 

Poor Quality Content 

There is a simple logic here. When people don’t like the things they see on your Instagram page, you cannot expect them to visit and come back. This means that you need to create comprehensive content that uses high-quality visuals, competent text, and publish them at the right time. 

Manual Management

Gone are the days when you need to manually subscribe and unsubscribe and post content by the hour. There are software programs you can use today that will let you automate different processes including publishing content at specific times of the day and crafting thematic posts. 

Massliking, Mass following, and Mass looking

All of these three methods are halfway between bad and good methods of promotion that Instagram has been dealing with for the longest time. Just recently, Instagram started blocking off massive likes, subscriptions, and followers almost instantly. This makes these methods less effective and efficient. 

Lack of Strategy 

Lack of promotional strategy will obviously never bring you the kind of results that you want. Make sure you come up with a content plan, segment your audience, and set main tasks and the deadlines when they will be implemented. 

Avoid these mistakes and see better results for your Instagram promotions! 

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