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4 Key Phrases To Learn When Traveling Overseas

For persons who traverse the globe to countries where English is less far less used than back home, communication may at times prove to be tricky business. Thus, it’s imperative to grasp common terms that would ease communication challenges during your trip. Before choosing to devote your efforts to an overseas crash course, or hiring a translator or interpreter, bear in mind knowing words like Excuse me, Thank you, numbers 1-10 and please is essential. Beyond that, you must master a couple more phrases as you commence on your learning journey.

1. Phrases to grasp in transit

The majority of airports bear English as the secondary language on all signs all-round the premise and on immigration documents, customs and on a visa. However, not all agents speak good English, and upon departing the airport, you’ll confront the belly of the beast – tuk-tuks, trains, peddlers, trains, buses, etc.

For adequate preparation, list all important addresses on paper in the local language, a watch (analogue) and know the words listed below and the answers.

  •         I came from…
  •         How far?
  •         How long…
  •         Right, left, turn around, back, straight
  •         Am going to…
  •         I lost my…
  •         Airport
  •         Bus or train terminus
  •         Where is…

2. Phrases that touch on your wellness and health

Supposing you suffer an illness or wish to get things set in case the travel bug hits you, we recommend you know a few essential wellness and health-related phrases. Also, in addition to equipping yourself with documentation stating any health conditions in the local dialect, these terms may help in explain any other concerns.

You need not to suffer an allergy or chronic illness to ready yourself. Understand personal wellness and hygiene too.

Here are a few helpful terms to help you get through:

  • This hurts
  • Where can I find a pharmacy
  • I need antibiotics
  • Sanitary pads/tampons
  • Sunscreen
  • Probiotics

3. Accommodation phrases

To make your stay comfortable, ensure you grasp essential phrases pertaining accommodation. Regardless of choice – homestay, hostel, Airbnb, or hotel – the queries don’t change.

Most are terms you might need not use unless in extreme cases. Among the phrases to learn include:

  • Bedbugs
  • Toilet paper
  •  Fan/Air con
  •  Laundry
  •  I can’t find my key

4. Dining phrases that make or break your experience

Travelling to foreign cities and having to learn the hard way of the importance of familiarising with dining terms in local dialect the hard way is terrifying. You may resort to impede other patrons’ experiences to point to food, particular bottled water or drinks you want to order.

Not forgetting about enquiring for directions to the washrooms at a restaurant.

Resorting to communicating using hand gestures is disturbing enough. If you suffer from any food allergies, understanding dinning language is of particular importance.

Grasp the following phrases:

  • Am allergic to…
  • Is it spicy?
  • Can I take/have
  • Bottled water
  • Where are the washrooms?
  • Check/bill, please!
  • Do you swipe/take credit cards?

Hinging on your purpose of travel, you may need to learn a little bit more. A wildlife volunteer might, for example, know animal names, while a culinary artist will need to grasp gastronomic vocabulary.  

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