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The Truth About Hair Loss Shampoos

Are you looking for a solution to hair fall? While trying medications, transplants, or therapies like PRP for hair loss have emerged as some credible treatments, there’s one industry that is striving to catch up with them all i.e., the beauty industry. The haircare market size is forecasted to expand from around $77 billion to $113 billion by 2028. One prominent reason behind the surge is growing hair-related issues. But can these products actually do some wonders for your hair loss? Let’s find out! 

The Claims of Hair Loss Shampoos 

As the name signifies, hair loss shampoos are said to fight against one enemy – hair loss. But since there is no one-word answer to ‘why my hairs are falling?’, trusting a single product to stop hair fall in everyone is far from reality.  

Considering this, different products claim to counter hair problems differently. Some say their shampoo will block hormones responsible for hair loss, some try offering a solution to skin conditions while others say their product will supply necessary vitamins and proteins to your scalp. 

So, in a plethora of products trying to win over customers through different ways, which one is the most effective for you? We would say the one abstaining from unearthly claims.  

Effectiveness of Hair Loss Shampoos 

To decide whether the claims of hair loss shampoos can be true for you or not, discovering your type of hair loss is important. Below we have categorized different causes of hair loss and the usefulness of shampoos for them:

Male Pattern Baldness vs Hair Loss Shampoos 

Male pattern baldness (MPB) is the most common reason for hair loss. And genetics is known as one factor behind this condition. In fact, 70% of patients have a family history of hair loss.  

Though shampoos categorized as DHT blockers are claimed to treat MPB, their effectiveness is doubtful. Here are two reasons for it: 

  1. The concentration of shampoo ingredients when diluted with water lessens, and so does their efficiency. 
  2. Shampoo remains in contact with the scalp for a minimal time. 

Thus, it is nearly unbelievable that the diluted ingredients will counter DHT and stimulate hair follicles within a short span. Nevertheless, don’t think your type of hair fall is untreatable. There are FDA-approved medicines like Minoxidil or Finasteride to treat male pattern baldness. 

Scalp Conditions vs Hair Loss Shampoos

Dr. Jerry Shapiro, a prominent hair loss dermatologist says that shampoos are helpful only “if you have a scalp condition”. This includes dandruff or scalp psoriasis that can lead to temporary hair fall. 

To treat them, ketoconazole shampoos are prescribed. They contain anti-fungal ingredients that effectively target yeast on the scalp, prevent inflammation and, consequently, stop hair fall. 

Health Conditions vs Hair Loss Shampoos

Nutritional deficiency, thyroid problems, physical or mental stress, and multiple other conditions can cause hair loss. So, are these shampoos the magic wand to simply solve all hair problems? Unfortunately, they aren’t. In case of any health issue, you will need to seek proper treatment to cease hair fall. 

The Dark Side of Hair Loss Shampoos

Not all shampoos, but a countable number of them contain hair-damaging ingredients. Avoid shampoos containing: 

Sulfur: Added to produce lather but can result in drying of the scalp. 

Caffeine: No viable studies support the utility of caffeine in hair loss. Rather, it can cause scalp irritation or discolouration of hair. 

Thickening shampoos: Though they can improve the appearance of your hair, the ingredients can clog follicles which may cause long-term damages to hair. 

The Bottom Line 

If you are experiencing excessive hair shedding, seeking professional help is necessary to find out the root cause. There’s a multitude of solutions to hair problems, and hair loss shampoos are one of them. However, it would be unfair to classify them as a universal treatment for hair fall.

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