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Quick Tips For Ellanse First-timers

Every year that we add to our lives, we lose about 1.5% of collagen. As we reach around our fifties, the effects of significant loss of collagen begin to show as our faces lose its volume and start to sag. While it is true that aging is inevitable, it is never wrong to seek ways to make yourself look less tired and look younger. Adding a little bit of sparkle and youth back into your skin always lead to a better outlook in life and Ellanse fillers are especially designed to make you feel that way.

Want to bring back the life in your face with Ellanse but don’t know where to begin? Then this article is the perfect starting point as you embark on your journey with Ellanse fillers.

What is Ellanse?

Ellanse is an injectable non-hyaluronic acid filler that stimulates collagen production. As Dr Israr Wong says, with Ellanse, patients can enjoy long-lasting results and can look almost 5-10 years younger. Ellanse has gained popularity globally as a top dermal filler that can effectively reverse signs of ageing and non-surgically improve facial features. Because of its glowing effects and growing number of satisfied patients, Ellanse has now become a sought-after anti-aging and skin improvement for patients with visible signs of ageing and facial volume loss.

What is Ellanse used for?

With very small amount of product injected, Ellanse can stimulate collagen production and improve the over-all appearance of the face. Specifically, Ellanse can be used to:

  • Achieve a more V-shaped face
  • Make cheeks that has very little volume look fuller
  • Restore volume to sagging jowls
  • Refine deep skin lines and smile lines
  • Improve sunken forehead
  • Get rid of dark circles under the eyes
  • Enhance the shape and height of the nose and nose bridge
  • Give the skin a healthy youthful glow

How Does Ellanse Filler Work?

Ellanse is made up of a bioresorbable medical polymer called Poly-caprolactone (PCL) microspheres suspended in carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) gel. When Ellanse is injected into the skin, the CMC gel gradually dissolve to give instant lifting effects and lasts for about three months. At the same period , the PCL microspheres starts the collagen production. Just as the effects of CMC gel wears off, significant improvements from collagen production can be observed after three months.

Depending on the type of Ellanse filler you choose, Ellanse can last up to 4 years! If you are not sure to commit to up to 4 years and want to try out first if it works for you, Ellanse fillers come in various types:

  • Ellanse-S (Lasts up to 1 year)
  • Ellanse-M (Lasts up to 2 years)
  • Ellanse-L (Lasts up to 3 years)
  • Ellanse-E (Lasts up to 4 years)

What are advantages of Ellanse over other fillers?

Ellanse is set apart from other fillers available in the market because it:

  • Is longer lasting than all other fillers (up to 4 years!)
  • Doesn’t just fill the loss volume but stimulates collagen production for better results
  • Doesn’t cause lumps and bumps due to hypersensitivity and filling migration from HA fillers
  • Produces instant lifting results with zero to minimal downtime
  • Is most effective in improving skin texture and volume based from patient reviews

What to expect during an Ellanse procedure?

After the proper consultation, the Ellanse procedure is sequentially carried out by:

  • Removal of make-up and cleaning of the face
  • Marking up of injection sites depending on desired results
  • Application of numbing cream to help manage discomfort from injections
  • Additional numbing with ice packs at injection site (optional)
  • When the numbing cream kicks in, your doctor will start injecting Ellanse filler
  • After 90 days, your doctor will require you to come back to monitor results and improvements

Slight discomfort may be expected with injections but the numbing cream helps to make it bearable. Depending on the number or Ellanse filler injections and the complexity of the case at hand, the whole procedure can be as fast as 20 minutes to less than an hour. Most patients really get surprised and pleased with how fast the procedure goes!

What results can I expect from Ellanse?

After injections, patients can expect instant lifting results. Injected area will increase in volume and become fuller. For best results, it takes Ellanse about 90 days to stimulate new collagen growth and for desired results to take full effect. After this time and depending on your treatment area, cheeks and jowls volume are regained while chin, nose, forehead and deep lines are enhanced, and the face shape looks more V-shaped. The results are effective, natural and long-lasting that many patients express great satisfaction with the results of Ellanse treatment and highly recommend it.

How long until I can go back to normal activities after Ellanse injection?

For Ellanse treatment, there is zero to minimal downtime after the injection. The injections marks won’t be noticeable and patients can instantly go back to work or resume daily activities. For some, slight swelling may occur after the procedure and may last for 1-2 days but it’s not really big problem.

Things to consider about Ellanse treatment:

Ellanse cannot be reversed.

Unlike HA fillers that can be reversed when you don’t like how it looks, Ellanse injections are irreversible. During your consultation, remember to ask your doctor everything you need to know about Ellanse as the treatment requires a ton of commitment. If you haven’t had dermal fillers yet, better try HA fillers first if it works for you as Ellanse cannot be adjusted once injected into your skin.

Ellanse costs more than other fillers.

With its superb quality and effectiveness, Ellanse filers are costs more than other fillers available in the market. However, Ellanse may save you a lot of money and time in the long run as Ellanse lasts longest and does not require multiple touch ups.

Ellanse treatment success rate depends on your doctor’s skills.

Ellanse injections have to be performed with great precision and accuracy by an experienced and skilled doctor. This is why, always determine the training and qualification your doctor because to achieve the best results without any complications with Ellanse treatment, very skilled hands are required.

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